Most Effective SEO Techniques For Beginners

When comes to the topic of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques, a lot of beginners will be confused by the technical terms such as canonical urls, htaccess, robots file and 301 redirects. But I can say confidently that you do not need to be proficient in these terms to employ effective SEO techniques to your website. This article will illustrate the top 20% of the techniques that gives you the 80% of the results.

First, you have to make sure that your website does not block out the Search Engines. This is a very common mistake found in most new blogs that were powered by WordPress and the Bloggers accidentally set the privacy settings to block the Search Engines. If you are running other Content Management Systems (CMS), make sure you check out the settings so that it allows crawling of the Search Engines.

Second, it comes to the relevancy of the content. Search Engines focus a lot on content relevancy. In fact, this is the most important thing that they are looking for when they rank a web page on their Search Engines. Matt Cutts, from Google team, says that among the 200 factors that Google uses to assess a web page ranking, content relevancy is the most important factor in their algorithm.

In order to make your page relevant to the Search Engines, you need to put your keywords in the following areas:

1. Page Titles - Make sure you have a unique page title for every page in your site.

2. Headers - Make sure that you include appropriate headers tag for the section header on every page.

3. Search Engine Friendly URL - You also need to have a URL that contains the keywords of that page for best results.

After making sure that your page contains the relevant keywords in the appropriate places, you need to also start to attract incoming hyperlinks from relevant websites especially those who can be your business partners. This is what the professionals call the off-page SEO techniques. Incoming links to your site is another very important SEO techniques that you should bear in mind.

The above SEO techniques will work for most websites if you are not in the very competitive niche and it usually takes within three months to see the results. Do not forget to track rankings as well so that you can monitor progress. A good tool to track ranking is developed from Aaron Wall - the RankChecker Tool.

TAN KC is a Singapore SEO consultant with several years of related experiences. His advice has helped several Webmasters to increase their SERP. A few of his clients' industries include cheap flyer services [] in Singapore and zebra print chair [] businesses.

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