How To Be Successful

By Gary E. Vines

There is immense pressure on us to be successful. Be it that it comes from society, family, friends, or from our own selves. We all want to be successful, we want to reach this distant success. Yet, what is success exactly? Did you ever stop to think what success means to you, because, apparently, it means different things to different people. So make sure you know where it is you are going, just so you get to the right place.
Learn More On [How To Be Successful]

Personal responsibility and personal accountability is a very frightening concept to many individuals. However, if you want to have a life of greatness (however, you may define that for yourself) you will have to create it through taking personal responsibility and personal accountability for your life. There is no other way.Many individuals go through their entire lives by living only a "half-life." What I am meaning by this is that they are afraid to grow the ideas they have in their heads about who and what they perceive and interpret themselves to be. To be very clear here, growing one's ideas of one's self and the world around them will indeed result in life changes. It is your choice. You can create the changes you then choose to respond to, or you will be forced to deal with the changes life imposes upon you. It all depends upon your "life focus."In a manner of speaking, there are two types of individuals on the planet at this time. There are those who accept average and ordinary lives, and then there are those who create lives of greatness. Each type of individual will be absolutely convinced of the reality of their life's expression. To say it another way, in all areas of their life, they will know that what they have, and what they can have is what they are realistically capable of. Therefore, the real question becomes what does "realistically capable of" mean?

Long term goals when added up, together, get you where you believe is your idea of success. Short term = long term= success. One builds off the other. Your long term goals can be looked at as a gathering or grouping of successful short term goals. For example, if I feel successful by getting married (which I don't), my long term goal would be to meet a woman. How do I do that? Through short term goals. My short term goals would be: work on myself, work on my interactions with women, maybe talk to 5 women a day, go out more often, go on dates, and so on. If I do that time after time, hopefully, I would reach my long term goal and get a girlfriend. Now when that Long term goal is completed, it's time to make another long goal which would be to get past the first year mark. So now you write down small daily goals that get you there. You keep doing this process over and over until you reach what you believe is successful. It's honestly a fail-proof formula if you stick with it.

Now, if you are just starting your way towards success, remember, it is not just about what you have written and it will magically happen, you do need to put in the work and effort to help make your dream a reality. For financial gain, you need to figure out what you intend to give in order to acquire that sum. If you are single, and looking for a relationship, you need to figure out exactly what type of significant other you would like to have. Then go out there and attract that special someone. For health, well, depending on your lifestyle, you adjust your diet accordingly. The diet of a body builder will no doubt be different than the diet of an athlete or a person who's optimizing their 9-5 work.

My father is one of the wisest men I had the pleasure to be around. His famous phrase was "Don't tell me what you're going to do, show me what you've done." He drilled this into my head so much that I wouldn't tell him my short term goals anymore. Instead, I showed him the results of having them. I never told him when I got a job, great grades, or a girlfriend. I only showed him that I got the raise at the job, the degree at school, and the anniversary of the relationship. Everyone talks. It's time to separate yourself from the crowd and start doing. Show people your capabilities. Challenge yourself. That is what life is about.The problem with a lot of younger people is they want things now. I was one of those people trying to find the fastest way to get what I want. Everything takes time. In fact, you should take your time anyway and enjoy the journey. You will grow and learn a lot about yourself if you grind through a long road of obstacles instead of trying cut corners and cheat your way to success. Ask anyone 30+ years old and they will tell you everything from getting over a heartbreak to getting a six digit salary will take some time.

If you are not sure how to get started or continue, I am sure you know how not to get started or continue. Use this if need be as a "tuning fork" as you move forward. No matter who you are, or what you choose to do, if it is from a space within you attempting to create your life of greatness, by way of growing yourself forward in this respect, know there is no greater life work with which to be involved.Trust yourself. Trust your creativity. Trust in your own direction. Trust that all you need will come to you, in one way or another. No one ever said adulthood was supposed to be easy and free of any challenges or difficulties. By the same token, no one ever said once you become an adult that you are finished "growing."If you wish to have a life of greatness, the choice is yours. If you will accept a life that is or will become average and ordinary, the choice is also yours. The world needs the greatness you have within you. En masse the world over, this is how we save the future of our world for our children, grandchildren, and beyond. Ask yourself, if this is too difficult for you to attempt in your life, what are you teaching the loved ones who surround you in your life?Do you teach them by the example of your life, how to create a life of greatness by always growing the best version of yourself possible? Or, on the other hand, do you teach them how to create a life that is average and ordinary because you live your life on "auto-pilot?"

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The Law Of Attraction For Skeptics And Logical People

By John R. Gibbons

Success means different things to different individuals. It comes in many different forms and the idea of being successful for one person might not be the same as for another person. In fact, there are as many definitions of success as there are people on this planet. For instance, if you are a businessman, success may mean being among the top 10 companies in your industry and if you are a student, success may mean getting distinctions and coming first in your exams. According to Earl Nightingale, "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal." It is therefore very important for each one of us to define clearly what success means to us.
[The law of attraction book]

We can use the Law of Attraction to attract the success we desire in our life. According to the Law of Attraction, we attract into our lives, whatever we give our energy, attention and focus to, whether wanted or unwanted. If we want to deliberately attract success, we have to follow three steps.If we want to be successful in our life, then the very first thing we should do is to take the time to decide exactly what success means to us. Clarity is the first step for deliberately attracting the success we desire in our life. Success is a multifaceted personal concept. By defining what the idea of success represents to us and by taking the time to write it down, we will automatically move our life in that direction. Robert Collier was right when he said "The great successful men of the world have used their imagination. They think ahead and create their mental picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this a bit and that a bit, but steadily building - steadily building."

Visualizing is mentally practicing success which has been proven time and again in creating success. This is an aspect that is often used in sports but left out in most people's ideas of goal setting. Taking the time to picture your success in your mind can have a great impact on your life.Focusing keeps us intent on actively looking for ways to help us reach our goals. It helps us see the opportunities showing up in our lives and reminds us to act when they appear. A side benefit of this one is that is really will help you to appreciate the moment. If we are looking for opportunities and good things in life, we are living more in the moment than if we are worrying about the future or grumbling about the past.

Another way of saying this is to use creative visualization. Creative visualization is the technique of using our imagination to create more of what we want in life. I've heard some people say, "I can't do that, I don't visualize anything!" There is nothing woo woo about it. You are already using visualization techniques every day - every time you think about what to have for lunch or what you might want to do over the weekend, or even while remembering a special person in your life, you are using your creative imagination! Visualization is the basic creative energy of the universe, which we use constantly, whether or not we aware of it. When we aren't aware it is called creating by default. When we are setting conscious intentions, we are deliberately co-creating with God, or the Universe.

You may have heard the saying, "Thoughts are things." Our thoughts, beliefs and feelings are real! They are alive with the spiritual substance that makes up this world. Our thoughts are energized and powerful. Everything we experience in "reality" has its beginnings in the non-physical. Every thought we think is a seed and every time we think the same thought over again, we water that seed. When we think thoughts filled with emotion, we fertilize those thoughts. The more intense our desire, and the degree to which we believe it is possible, the more likely it is to come into our experience and the faster it will manifest. The law of the soil and the law of the mind are the same.

These laws are set in stone so to speak and cannot be changed or altered in anyway, they apply to everyone and everything and are always at work whether we are aware of it or not.Among these universal laws is the law of attraction which states that we can attract that which we desire into our lives through the power of our thoughts and quite literally become the masters of our own destiny, or as Napolean Hill once quoted the "the captains of our souls".In essence the law of attraction attracts to you that which you desire most and that which you focus your thoughts on most!Everything going in your life whether it be relationships, financial status, well-being e.t.c is a direct reflection of your accustomed way of thinking and the nature of your thoughts.

"If you could begin to feel appreciation for the fact that desire exists and anticipation about its unfolding, rather than disappointment that it has not manifested, your energy would clear up by 95% and your manifestations would begin to flow to you so much more easily."If you practice any kind of Law of Attraction meditation or visualizations on a regular basis, then you've likely run into the following scenario. On the one hand, you want a lot of money. The more money you have, the more comfortable life you can live. The more nice things you can buy for yourself and your family. The more supportive you can be of your friends.But on the other hand, you likely have this deep feeling that a desire for money is evil. That rich people have somehow taken advantage of somebody, somewhere along the way. That they are somehow dishonest. After all, doesn't the Bible teach that the love of money is the root of all evil?

Well, let's take a look at this from an economic perspective. Forget about morality or religion or anything like that. Let's just take a look at the basic mechanics of money and human action.There are only five ways to get money. You can find it, receive it as a gift, steal it, print it or earn it. I'm going to assume that when you meditate or visualize the LOA, you aren't stealing, finding, being given, or printing money. You are earning it somehow. You are trading your skills or products for cash.Now, let's consider the basics of human trade. We only trade things when we think we are getting the better end of the deal. When you buy a hamburger for a dollar, you actually think the hamburger is worth more to you than the dollar. Otherwise, you wouldn't make the exchange. That would be like changing a dollar for a dollar, which would be silly.

You Can Control & Change Your Thoughts.Most people think about what they don't want instead of thinking about what they do want. As gay men, when we walk down the street, some of us think about what might happen if we run into a homophobe and how they might react to us. At work some of us think about how our co-workers might respond to us. When we go to the theater or to the market with other gay men, we wonder if people recognize we're gay. But what happens if we "stop" thinking about what we're afraid of and "only" think about what we want?

On the one hand, it's completely selfish to want more money so you can buy stuff for yourself and live an easy life. But on the other hand, and this is crucial, it's impossible to get that money unless you make people better off than they were before.So every single dollar that you have is a measure of how much better off you've made other people. The more money you have, the more people you've made better off. The more you've increased the net happiness of the world. Is that really selfish? Of course not.That's why Napoleon Hill, in "Think And Grow Rich," suggested that when doing any kind of money making visualizations, to visualize tons of people out there getting their needs met because of your actions. Because when lots of people out there are getting their needs met, you are getting paid.

About the Author:

The Science Of Getting Rich - Your Action Plan For Success

By Adrian M. Felton

Although "The Secret" sounds as if all you have to do is envision what you want and then send happy thoughts out into the universe to get it, it's a little bit more complicated than that.Although I do believe in the Law of Attraction, I also believe that there is another "law" at work here, and if you really want to succeed, you have to follow this law, the "Law of Action." Another pitfall to avoid is wanting things for the wrong reasons. The unfortunate truth is that there are many successful people in the world who seem to have it all, and yet they are miserable and unhappy with what they have. You can avoid this by taking certain steps first.To have what you want in life, to be what you want and then enjoy it when you get it, you need an action plan. You can start on the road to success by asking yourself these five questions:
[The Science Of Getting Rich]

What do you want? If I had to pick one question that probably stumps most people, this one would be it. Most people really don't know what they want out of life, and so they just drift through life.If you really want to get what you want out of life, then you need to know exactly what that is. To be rich and famous is simply not enough. You need to be as specific as possible about what you want.Why do you want it? If you want to be rich and famous because you want to teach the kids from high school that they were wrong about you, then that's the wrong reason.If you want to be [fill in the blank] because you genuinely want to help others, now you're on the right track. Wallace Wattles says we can only give others what we have. Giving will only bring you more of what you want.What's holding you back? Do you have any attitudes you need to get rid of, like you'll never succeed because: you're the wrong color, wrong, sex, wrong size, wrong this, wrong that, you [fill in the blank]? Get rid of them. Attitudes like that will only hold you back, and they'll only be unnecessary obstacles. Why punish yourself like that?

During his life Wattles wrote many books and articles. Among his books were,The Science of Getting Rich,The Science of Being Great,The Science of Being Well,Health Through New Thought and Fasting,Hellfire Harrison(his only novel) His books were published by Elizabeth Towne, who was also the editor of Nautilus magazine. During the years he was writing, the magazine included an article written by Wattles in nearly every issue.

In 1908 Wattles was a candidate for election to the Eighth Congressional District of Indiana. Subsequently, he ran in the 1910 election for the office of Prosecuting Attorney for the Madison County, Indiana court. He did not win either of these elections.He died in 1911, shortly after The Science of Getting Rich was published. Even though he had little education, grew up in a simple working-class family, and was poor most of his life, Wattles became a wealthy man by the time of his death.

The Science of Getting Rich - now here's a book that really hits the nail on the head. How many books have you read that claim to be able to make you rich but in the end all you get is lame old clichs like 'work hard' or 'early bird gets the worm' and stuff that you could see for free on plaques in offices? Not this book. True to its name, The Science of Getting Rich takes a scientific and practical look at the desire that every human being inherently has, even if he or she lives in denial. The book begins with an eye-opening lecture that tells us that there is nothing shallow or superficial about the desire to get rich.

The Science of Getting Rich begins on the right note by explaining how money is important to achieve whatever goals you might have. You might think your goals transcend all that and are above something petty like money, but the truth is that you need certain things - practical everyday things and objects to get there and only money can get you those. To understand how sensible the advice in The Science of Getting Rich is, think about it this way. If you aspire to be a writer and are living in a little apartment doing all your chores yourself, then you can't devote as much time to writing as a person who is rich, lives in a nice big house and has maids to do all the messy chores so that he/she can focus on the thing he/she does best - write some great books!

The Science of Getting Rich is a book written by famous writer Wallace Wattles. He was born at the time when there was war all over United States in the 1800s. Wallace Wattles did face a lot of failures and hardships in his early life, and later in his life he did lot of tireless studies and various experimentations, which he has used in this book. This book is ideal for men and women alike because it is a practical manual and it tells everything about achieving goals and earning money. The practical approach of The Science of Getting Rich is what makes it different from other books in its league and thereby making it a huge success.

The Science of Getting Rich is a book that will mold your thinking and infuse your mind with the thoughts that you need to think in order to gain riches. Moreover, as the book tells us, it is a positive feedback process wherein if you get riches then getting more riches becomes easier than it was the first time you acquired those riches because now you can live a fuller more complete life.You can become a success in any business. But when it comes to being in the right business, a person would do best in a business that they like. When you enjoy what you do it is a joy to do it. If you have already developed talents and abilities for a particular business, then it may be to you advantage to work that business as you look for new opportunities. Don't neglect where you are right now, there may be many un-tapped opportunities you have overlooked.

It is a book that Wallace wrote hundred years ago to make people understand the concept of wealth acquisition faster. This is a book that will only tell you about how to make money and it has nothing to do with raising your self-esteem or identifying goals to lead a happy life. Wallace is direct to the point and makes it clear that everyone has the right to be rich and wealthy. However, he never ever promotes negativity like greed or selfishness.

The Science of Getting Rich is an exciting book, however, there is one negative aspect about this book; it is a psychobabble and for some readers it might not be very much appealing. The Science of Getting Rich will not tell you about the types of investments that you should make to become rich or about any exercise that will help you to become rich. It is a book that will tell you that to become rich you have to manage your day-to-day business affairs efficiently, so that money can come in. So, as a whole this a great book to read because it is extremely appealing and it is true to its subject matter.

About the Author:

The Science Of Getting Rich - Fact Or Fiction?

By Keri Loots

The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace Wattles - sounds amusing doesn't it?Rhonda Byrne states that this publication was one of the major inspirations for her hit film and book, The Secret.I have to admit that I sometimes find it difficult to wrap my head around the Law of Attraction. I want to understand, but some of the explanations of this material are so convoluted I am made to feel like a dog chasing its tail,Wattles states in the preface to his book: "This book is pragmatical, not philosophical; a practical manual, not a treatise upon theories. It is intended for the men and women whose most pressing need is for money; who wish to get rich first, and philosophize afterward."
[The Science Of Getting Rich]

You have the inherent right to live an abundant life. As Wattles explains, this is the natural order of things in the Universe. It's also a mindset that tends to fly in the face of normal social conventions. If you are like most people, your natural tendency is to believe you aren't deserving or worthy. This is the first area for you to focus on if you wish to become rich.There is a natural energy of the universe which is the essence of all creation and this energy is triggered your by thoughts. In other words, thoughts are real things and they are the catalyst to creating anything. First, there is the thought, then the feeling, then the action.The universe is naturally abundant. Rather than being tricked into believing resources are scarce and you must compete for everything, understand that abundance abounds. This frees you to use your creative mind.

Begin to take action: The vision is formed and nurtured, and your mind is focused on the now. This will begin to drive your actions; it will stimulate you to your best. But this is only the beginning. Out of the "Thinking Substance" which "permeates" the universe and which makes up everything will come ideas and plans. These will bubble into your consciousness and lead you to specific actions that will move you to the fulfillment of your vision. Recall the quote we began with: "By thought, the thing you want is brought to you; by action you receive it." These ideas and plans are the specific actions for you're to receive the thing that is brought to you. Again from chapter 12 of "The Science of Getting Rich:"

Whatever your action is to be, it is evident that you must act NOW. You cannot act in the past, and it is essential to the clearness of your mental vision that you dismiss the past from your mind. You cannot act in the future, for the future is not here yet.Hold with faith and purpose the vision of yourself in the better environment, but act upon your present environment with all your heart, and with all your strength, and with all your mind. As you begin to live life this way you will find new energy and joy. The visions are expressions of your soul and will form into actions and then into physical reality.

In business, the key-thought in all your efforts must be to convey THE IMPRESSION OF INCREASE in other people's minds. Continuous advancement and increase in life is what all men and women are seeking. People are attracted to those who can give them more of the means of life and this attraction will result in you becoming rich. Therefore, no matter how small the transaction, even the selling of a stick of candy, put into it the thought of increase into the mind of the customer. Hold the unshakable faith in yourself, that you are in the way of increase and let it permeate every action. Don't boast of your success or seek power over other men. Beware the competitive mind! What you want for you, you must want for everybody.

Too many cooks have spoilt this broth and we have all gorged on this 'self-help motivational' banquet but in the end we just got mentally fatter rather than intellectually fitter. We got too much information and we got paralysed! We tried everything and got nowhere. We baked a cake that had a bit of Tony Robbins, a hint of Jack Canfield and Bob Procter all drizzled with generous amounts of Rhonda Byrne. The cake was a failure, it didn't rise, it was half-baked! Sound familiar? Know what I mean?

Hypnosis is a technique for influencing your mind by suggestion. Create positive suggestions and build a positive frame of mind. Repeat these suggestions over time and you will move from wherever you are into the frame of mind required to use the law of attraction. You will not only overcome but you will eliminate negative thought patterns that have sabotaged you up to this point. This is the general use of hypnosis.

A friend of mine suggested I read The Science Of Getting Rich by New Thought writer Wallace Wattles. She explained that this book had inspired Rhonda Byrne and the makers of the film The Secret and it's accompanying book, coincidentally also called The Secret! She's a smart girl and if she said it's so, it's good enough for me... and Rhonda Byrne has since confirmed this to Oprah.I knew of Wallace Wattles but had never read The Science Of Getting Rich. I regret that now. Ironically, I already had this book in my possession. It had been lying in my vast digital library collecting cyber dust.My mom always said to me 'Think happy, else your worst fears will always happen'. She was telling me exactly what the motivational leaders and personal development cadre write about today. That whatever you think about most will happen, that your dominant thinking creates your physical reality.Wattles wrote about this phenomena in 1910! Today in the 2010's a thousand business gurus, new-ageists, Jedi Masters and self-improvement ninjas throw this line at you all day long. Wattles exposed this 'secret' over a hundred years ago!Wattles writes directly AT you and pulls no punches. He doesn't hide behind phrases or rhymes or sound bites. He says it like it is, his words are crystal and he spells it out repeatedly so you get the message.

While you are getting firmly established in this faith, you will do well to give up recreations and pleasure; and to stay away from places that conflict with the ideas in this book. Don't read or listen to pessimistic or conflicting ideas. Spend most of your leisure time contemplating your vision, and in cultivating gratitude, and in reading this book.The riches you will receive will be in exact proportion to the definiteness of your vision, the fixity of your purpose, the steadiness of your faith, and the depth of your gratitude.The Science of Getting Rich may be a hundred years old but Wattles' ideas are as relevant today as they ever were. The science of getting rich is not about following a pre-defined formula for success - first step one, then step two, then step three, then retire on a beach with a margarita in your hand - but rather it is all about THE WAY YOU THINK AND ACT.

About the Author:

The 11 Forgotten Laws By Bob Proctor - Overview, Pros And Cons

By Ayman de Meijer

After having seen The Secret and still having not much success with it I decided to find Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield on the internet and have a look at what they had to offer. I found a course of Bob Proctors called Six minutes to success where he talked you through a series of principles and tactics each day which you could practice for 6 minutes. He got me to write down goals and it was very motivational having his help. I even promoted the course as an affiliate. Soon though as with most things I fell back in to the 'I can't really afford this' habit and cancelled the subscription.
[The 11 Forgotten Laws]

I had got a lot from the course by this point though and later bought a book which Bob Proctor had recommended called 'Think And Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill which much of his course was based around. I think I had read this book years earlier when I was caught up in the network marketing frenzy of 'Amway'. But Bob Proctor has taken the words in this book so seriously that he had read a particular chapter every day for around 40 years. (I think that's what he said)! Yes that's dedication! I finally got the book from Amazon for around 3 but had hesitated for ages because I though I had no money! Oh the irony! The chapter was on auto suggestion and Napoleon Hill recommends re-reading the chapter so as to fully appreciate it.

What Does The 11 Forgotten Laws by Bob Proctor Program Comprise Of? This program offers an online integrated learning course comprising 95 powerful lesson tracks on 12 CDs in MP3 format. It also includes an eBook Transcript of all 95 lessons for quick reference and revision, as well as the original Law of Attraction blueprint, "Working With The Law" eBook, by Raymond Holliwell.

Bob Proctor has also thrown in many bonuses including audio and video seminars, eBooks and guided meditations as part of the program.The Pros.The program may be listened to anywhere and anytime, as it may be downloaded and burned onto a portable CD or listened to straight from the computer. This means you can take this program anywhere and hear it on the go if you wish. Or you can also learn the lessons in the comfort of your home if that's your preference.

But as months went by and I still wasn't living the life I had dreamed and I wasn't building the successful network marketing business I had hope to, I began to have my doubts about this Law of Attraction stuff.I watched the movie over and over again and each time I got excited about the prospect of creating the life I desired, but still I wasn't getting the results I wanted.I was however able to manifest a new car for myself and my husband. That gave me new-found hope! If I could manifest a car, what else could I manifest... a life of abundance and happiness! Oh yes, I was excited again that I was going to use the Law of Attraction to have the life I desired! Or so I thought!

There is only really one drawback I can pinpoint with the 11 Forgotten Laws which is the sheer amount of content that needs to be consumed!There are over 90 separate audio training modules to get through alone and also worksheets and documents that need to be completed to finish the course as intended! The problem for many is they want to invest in a course and see instant results! However the course isn't intended to do that and no course can deliver on that promise!In essence the 11 Forgotten Laws is for serious candidates who are willing to commit both time and energy to manifesting their desires.There really is a library of information which needs to be tackled.

So here is my review of the 11 Forgotten Laws.The 11 Forgotten Laws is an online digital 12 cd home study course that you can download and access anytime, anywhere whenever you want. I love that because you can listen to it virtually anytime at your convenience on your ipod, mp3 or computer. There are 95 tracks of audio training at your fingertips as well as a downloadable workbook that you can take notes and track your progress step by step. I tend to learn and absorb more when I listen and read as well, so if you are like me then you will like the fact that it comes with printable transcripts as well.You also get access to the Members Only forum and support desk if you have any questions or concerns. Having a support network and like-minded people to help you on your journey is essential.The course is educational, inspirational and very motivating. I personally love Bob Proctor and could listen to him speak all day and night. There is something about his passion and belief in the Law of Attraction that keeps me engaged. I have listened to other programs and find my mind wanders, I have to hit rewind several times to stay engaged. However; Bob Proctor leaves me excited and wanting more, my mind absorbs his every word easily and quickly. Bob and Mary Morissey explain all 11 Laws that were never mentioned in the movie "The Secret" and are the missing links to true manifestation.

This product is for the person who believes in the Law of Attraction but who has had difficulty in mastering it and achieving success with it. It is for the person who is stuck in their life and can't seem to move forward and is unsatisfied with their life. The person who is looking for happiness, health, and abundance but just can't seem to master all 3 at the same time or sustain all 3. This product will shift you to a higher resonating place where results will happen, dreams will be realized and true results and success will come your way.This product is not for the skeptical closed-minded individual who does not believe in the Law of Attraction. It is not for the individual who believes they can just sit back and manifest anything because they believe they can. This product is designed to hold you accountable and apply all the 11 Laws to your daily life. You must take action in order to see results. There is no magic button and you will not see instant results overnight, having said that... Once I applied the Law of Forgiveness I started to receive money in my bank account... I am by no means rich because of this but I was able to manifest money from nowhere! The 11 Forgotten Laws will give you the tools you need, it is up to you to apply them.

Eventually, I decided to invest in this new course by Bob Proctor called The 11 Forgotten Laws, and I am glad that my understanding of the law of attraction has changed ever since.Why Are The 11 Forgotten Laws so Important? These 11 laws work together with the law of attraction to achieve its effects. They do not work individually as they are all the principles in which the entire universe is formed. This is the main reason why some people are unable to use this law properly while others are able to easily.

Those who are able to do so already have a primary knowledge of these 11 forgotten laws, whereas the others do not understand them. Only by understanding the 11 laws (law of increase, non resistance, sacrifice, forgiveness, success, obedience, supply, thinking, receiving, attraction and compensation) can you fully utilize and experience the effects of the Law of Attraction.The 11 Forgotten Laws Course Review.This is the course that has really helped me succeed with the concepts in The Secret. Everyone who wants to use the Law of Attraction needs to see this or I am convinced that it will not be able to work for them.

About the Author:

Be An Assertive Communicator

By Zoe Smith

It is impossible to live in this world and not be in contact with another person. As such, it is of vital importance that we develop good communication skills to be able to express ourselves clearly and in doing so, establish better relationships with the people around us. What is assertive communication and how can we use this to our best advantage?

There are a few styles of communication that people knowingly or unknowingly use. Passive and Aggressive communication styles are born out of low self esteem. Passive communicators avoid self expression at any cost; and aggressive ones go overboard in defending their rights and opinions by being almost abusive. Some individuals belong to the passive-aggressive category, which is by subtly undercutting people because they themselves feel powerless, jealous and angry.

Obviously, these are not the most ideal communication styles we can use. It may be that you find yourself being of low self-esteem and it reflects to how you communicate to other people. If this is you, do not feel bad about it. Use this information as a tool in helping you develop yourself to be the best that you can be and in doing so, experience a richer and happier life.

If these aren't the ideal forms of communication, then what is the best way? The most ideal communicators are assertive communicators. What are some of their qualities? They are individuals who have a healthy self image and self esteem. Therefore they can advocate their rights while being respectful of others. They are direct and open.

Being an assertive communicator will positively impact your professional life. Decision making techniques necessitate that one be self-possessed, honest and straightforward for maximum efficacy. Passive personalities will not command respect, and aggressive decision makers are likely to be overbearing and offensive to other people. Assertive decision makers solicit confidence and inspire his/her team to work towards the fulfillment of the goal.

More importantly, understanding and utilizing assertive communication will improve your personal relationships as well. Nobody wants to hurt people they love and so most of us will shy away from correcting them, or do it the wrong way and turn them away. A good communicator will be able to correct lovingly, respectfully and effectively.

So how can we improve in this particular quality? The first thing you need to do is to have a deeper understanding and appreciation of yourself. If you have a healthy self-image or self esteem, you will not shy away from asserting your rights; nor will you feel the need to strongly defend yourself because you feel vulnerable and attacked. Place a high and healthy value on your own person by taking time to develop yourself spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically.

Of course even if we do our best in expressing our best intentions for people-sometimes they will misunderstand. Don't be surprised-miscommunication cannot be avoided. When it does happen, don't let it affect you too much. Live the way you know to do and be happy with yourself no matter what. Enjoy a great life and have no regrets!

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Natural Skin Care Tips

By Gabrielle Heinig

You may have heard that organic argan oil for skin care is a wonderful concoction that works wonders. This is not a mere speculation as the oil has proven its worth for over thirty centuries past. The beauty oil is native to Morocco where its source, the argan tree, is exclusively found. The Moroccan people enjoyed the potency of this oil for centuries not only on their skin but also for their entire body. Argan oil gives the skin a radiant look so people who have used it often call it the "Liquid Gold".[
[Natural Skin Care]

One thing that you should keep from your summer skin care routine is the use of sun screen. You may not be spending as many days next to the pool in the upcoming months but you will still be susceptible to sun damage. Be sure to protect yourself from a sunburn by using a natural skin care lotion that contains at least SPF 15 to moisturize and protect skin at the same time.

With fall comes colder weather and the drying air of heaters. Don't let your skin pay the price. Prevent flaking by using a shielding lotion. A shielding lotion works to strengthen your skin's own natural barrier helping it to better maintain its own oils and moisture. The skin's natural oils are the secret to keeping dry skin at bay.It's important not to forget about your hands. Colder weather can cause painful cracking and peeling skin. For natural skin care try massaging hands with half a cup of plain yogurt mixed with the juice of one lemon into hands and rinse before applying a shielding lotion

The first is an easy, two-ingredient solution that can be put together quickly for routine cleaning.Simply combine baking soda with water to make a paste.Apply to your face or at least the blackhead problem areas for 10 minutes and let this absorbant mask wick out the oil and debris clogging the follicles.(Notice how we said "clogged pores" above and then "clogged follicle" just now? The pore is the opening fine skin hairs grow out of - they're the same thing. Now you know!)

A wonderful skin treatment, it gives you all those benefits and a lot more. It is equally effective on your hair and even your nails. Consider using argan oil for skin care if you have wrinkles, scars and other skin problems that you want to be taken care of. Results of this great oil can be so overwhelming even if you use just a few drops of it everyday.If your blessed with the perfect look then consider yourself very lucky. Many of us have to work at it more than others. Fortunately, there are many very inexpensive ingredients that will help everyone look good and have beautiful skin. If we're going to use natural ingredients for our skin care regimen, then we should be totally aware of our skin type and thus not end up using the wrong natural skin care products. Here are some great tips for various skin types as well as recipes for face masks.Skin care tips for normal skin.If you happen to be one of the lucky ones who have normal skin then count your blessings. This group hardly has any skin care problems and usually have that flawless look others admire. All you have to do is make sure to eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water and get regular exercise. Another suggestion is to cleanse your face with soap and water and add a little rose water. Rose water helps to maintain your skin tone and also ensures that dirt and dust is washed away What's the point of skin toning if you have normal skin? Well, irrespective of whatever tone of skin you may have, rose water helps enlarge pores and eliminates that orange peel look every time you wash your face.

Pamper your skin and keep it hydrated during colder fall months with a weekly facial. Halloween and Thanksgiving aren't the only occasions for pumpkin, have it make an appearance in your own natural skin care mask. For an easy do it yourself pumpkin mask, just combine 1 cup of canned pumpkin mashed with an egg yolk and a few tablespoons of buttermilk. Then smooth the mixture onto your face and neck, letting sit for 30 minutes before rinsing.Skin care products have developed greatly since the ancient Egyptians started using natural ingredients back in 4th millennium BC. Use of natural ingredients such as bee venom (which incidentally has made a comeback in skin care), milk and honey to enhance their skin was well documented as were the many natural cosmetic ingredients found in our mothers and grandmothers kitchens such as oat masks and sugar rubs.

Ideas and Recipes for Face Masks.Carrot Mask - Grate a carrot and mix it with one teaspoon of honey. Leave on your face for around 15 minutes and with regular use, it will surely bring about a change.Pineapple mash - Mash a pineapple slice and mix it with some lemon juice then, mix that with wheat flour. Use it on your face and neck area then scrub it off after a while. You will notice how smooth your skin is.Lemon-Egg Mixture - Beat an egg white and store it in the freezer for 15 minutes. When the time is up add lemon juice and a grated tomato to your cooled off egg whites. Lemon and egg have a wonderful softening quality so if you do this for a month, you'll notice how soft your skin becomes.Guava ,For a more glowing look, smash a guava and stir it with an oatmeal and lemon juice mixture.Spinach - Try a cup of raw pureed spinach with one spoon of fresh cream. Apply to the face.

As a result of this casual approach to skin care ingredient, many mainstream skin care products made today contain synthetic chemical ingredients including dyes and fragrances and of course preservatives such as parabens, which can mimic the hormone oestrogen, which has been shown, in some studies, to be linked to breast cancer and urogenital abnormalities.Sometimes there are very good reasons for putting parabens, in particular, into a product; a cosmetic is likely to be more toxic if it has gone off than the preservatives themselves so it is the best of a bad choice. One of the reasons why preservatives are so important is because big manufacturers make huge batches of their products and ship them around the world and the products need to withstand uncontrolled shipping and storage environments. Also if they did have a batch that went off the cost of recalling hundreds of thousands of products from around the world would be astronomical, not to mention the bad publicity.

The inclusion of synthetic perfumes and colors is purely cost cutting, as are all the fillers that are added. Phthalates which are often found in synthetic fragrances are a hormone disrupter known to cause birth defects, damage sperm, cause infertility and cause the feminization of boy babies. So choose your skin care without the nice smells unless the perfume is essential oil based.Now that we are getting a little wiser and understand that our skin is our largest organ and whatever we apply to it ultimately gets absorbed into our bloodstream, we are demanding more natural cosmetics, and the market is turning full circle and starting to address our concerns.Fortunately natural skin care has also come a long way. For a long time most natural products were thick and gluggy and blocked pours, more importantly, they also did not work. Now there are several ranges on the market that can actually do what they claim to do, enhance the skin. Even sun screens are moving away from being mainly chemical based to natural, while still providing 30+ SPF broad spectrum protection and they are much more pleasant to use.

Spread evenly on your face and leave on for 20 minutes.Apply A Healthy Lifestyle.These applications work best as part of an ongoing, overall healthy skin care plan along with healthy lifestyle choices like drinking plenty of water and getting enough exercise and adequate sleep.If you're worried natural skin care remedies act too slow remember that even prescription skin medicines can take weeks to see results. And the beauty of these home remedies is that they can become long-term healthy habits that have no bad side effects. In fact, you may find yourself trying new cooking recipes with all that papaya and almond oil on hand!

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Success In Life And How To Achieve It

By Julia A. Depp

First things first. What is YOUR definition of "success"? What determines whether or not someone is successful in your eyes? For some people it is having a lot of money, for others it may be having the time freedom to play golf once a week, and for others it may be raising their children to be "good people" or having a large group of close friends. For every one of us, there is a different definition of what success is for others, and what success is for ourselves in our own lives. The more important of the two is how we measure success for ourselves, not for others. In order to have success in our own lives we must first define, within ourselves, what it IS to be successful and then set our hearts and minds on achieving it. The basic foundation to attaining success is setting goals and when you achieve those goals, you have success.
[Accelerated Learning Techniques Brian Tracy]

This is where you need to be decisive. You need to step up and make the hard decisions of where you want your life to go. What path do you want to follow? What is your definition of success?The world needs diversity and this helps us to keep moving in the right direction.For some success may be moving up the corporate ladder or running a successful business. For others success could be finding their soul mate and having a family and for others success in life may be reaching sporting or educational goals they have set for themselves. All of these are perfectly fine. Because success for you is what makes you happy and fulfilled.

Take Proactive Action - What do you hope to achieve and accomplish personally and professionally? Rather than continuing to think about it, begin to take action. Devise a plan of action that will result in achieving success in the chosen areas of your life. Focus on taking small, implementable steps rather than making large, dramatic changes. Track your progress and make adjustments as needed. In time, you will see positive changes in the areas of your life that you have chosen to place emphasis on. Once you achieve success in one area, choose another and repeat the process.Success in life doesn't just happen; it requires dedication and focus. If you have ever wondered, "How can I get success in life," implement the tips outlined above to begin to see and experience positive changes within your life.Everybody wants to succeed in life and get a load of all the things that makes life worthy to live. To succeed in life you need more than just determination, you would need as much motivation that you can get from either the people around you or the things that you usually do.

Be it far from me to suggest that prayer does not work. But remember, the verse I quoted is from the Word of God. He is the one who says that lazy hands make a man or woman poor. All the praying in the world won't compensate for laziness.

Follow your dreams and build your foundations. You have dreams and these dreams are significant of what you want to accomplish in the near future. If you already have set up your goals, then you can definitely picture what your future is, now you need to build foundations, and these foundations should be strong enough to keep you going with no hesitations.Get out from your comfort zone. Those who aim to achieve the best of what they can be, should get out from their comfort zone. Whereas, to succeed in life you need to improve and grow, you would not be able to do this while you are in that crib. Get my point?

Some people are amazingly nave about life. They seem to think that success in life is happenstance. But this is an extremely competitive world in which we live. Even finding your so-called dream job these days is much harder than it used to be. Regardless of your aspirations, however, you can become a success in life. It's called being diligent: doing what's required to gain the competitive edge; never giving up; refusing to accept defeat; living a life of integrity.

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You Need To Eat Healthy Food If You Wish To Lose Weight

By Daniel Will

You are unable to deal with a lot of weight. Weight is having an effect on your standard of living. You could have more pain inside your joint parts, have gotten to put in more money on clothing, or are unable to quit thinking about your weight. Continue reading to discover ways to begin with a brand new you thanks to fat loss.

Consume your most significant food in the midst of your day. Try to eat your usual lunchtime sandwich for dinner alternatively. You caloric-burning up components are fired up throughout daytime and slow down during the night, so it is smarter to consume considerably more during daylight hrs.

French-fried potatoes really are a really obsessive snack food to get through the day. French fries are unhealthy for those trying to lose weight. There is, nonetheless, a healthy french fry choice that you could prepare oneself. To put together, cut fries and toss with 1 tablespoon of oil and prepare for thirty minutes at 400 degrees. Release by using a spatula then prepare for approximately ten minutes for a longer time. They're really tasty with ketchup, a great deal reduced in calories and you'll never ever skip the deeply frying. These "French Bakes" were actually given by Laurel's Home cooking manual.

Decrease the level of tension in your daily life. It will become appealing to consume meals which is not healthier when you find yourself beneath a great deal of stress Whether it more simple to pay attention to long-term fat loss objectives and stay on the appropriate street whenever you live a pleasant, pressure-totally free daily life.

As an alternative to aiming to achieve a selected weight, help it become your main goal to match in a distinct scale of clothes. Chuck the scale out the home window. Men and women can vary a great deal in exactly how much they weigh. Because every person has his very own recommended weight, trying to obtain a specific bodyweight does not always sound right. Rather, work with fitting into your target clothing sizing.

Liquefied unhealthy calories continue to be calories, so view the things you consume. All beverages, with the exception of drinking water, have unhealthy calories. Beverages like soda pop and sweet liquids like Kool-help all consist of a lot of unhealthy calories which add up very fast. When keeping track of your calories, keep close view how numerous you eat when drinking.

Hang out with your lively close friends far more to lose weight faster. Simply being all around energetic individuals makes us desire to be active, as well. Somebody that just is located about constantly is probably not someone that you would like to spend time with.

When attempting to drop unwanted pounds, make an effort to drop in regards to a lb every week. Don't attempt to drop excessive, too fast. Burning off too much body weight too rapidly can be quite a danger to the health insurance and you will find a higher probability you will get it again.

It is generally approved that a lb of muscle tissue burns up far more calories than a lb of excess fat. Acquiring more muscle tissue can certainly make your fat burning plan much simpler. You should do weight training a couple of times a week in order to build up your muscle groups up.

Try eating some sugars after you exercise so you can be far healthier. When you merge the sugars with protein, your system will break up the sugar and send out it in your muscle tissues.

If you venture out to consume having a buddy, relative, or significant other, make an effort to speak regularly. It tools this enzymatic process and slows your food usage, allowing you to become more critical about how exactly very much you consume. Dialogue helps to help keep your mind off of eating for your second in order that you will not ingest too much.

To conclude, you are done with excess fat and need to know what to do to remove it. It is going for a toll on your own physique along with your checking account. This informative article should have been important to help you accomplish your weight damage objective.

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Positive Affirmations For Women - Apply 5 Key Points For Optimal Results

By Zeynel Bakema

You've read all the self-help books: Attitude is everything! Change your perspective! Have a positive outlook! Can these ideas really change your future? And if so, how? In my childhood and adolescence, I was skeptical. Let's fact it, if my brother was born without being able to walk, how could my attitude or outlook change anything?As I got older I continued to reflect on a youth seemingly filled with disappointments and doubts. In talking to my friends and family, I realized I wasn't alone, we've all experienced them. Then, I started taking a good, long look at myself and my feelings. I realized that my deepest feelings were the ones guiding me forward, challenging me to reach to the depth of what I was able to feel - happy or sad. In the end, these feelings allowed me to explore all dimensions of my being.
[Positive Affirmations]

Why do I share this with you? Through all the laughs, disappointment and sorrow I've learned: We can use the power of our feelings to build a stronger, happier, positive life. I've also discovered a secret way to facilitate this process: affirmations.How Affirmations Work.As you may or may not know, affirmations are simple exercises that can tap you into this positive, creative part of yourself. It's the place that's free from your ego (you know it: the ego is the leaky tire in constant need of being filled from outside sources).

Since all of our inner conversation and that entire self-talk are streams of affirmations, we continually create our own experience based on the subconscious flow of those words and thoughts. Some of these thought patterns we have developed must have worked well for us since childhood but many of them are sabotaging us from getting what we really want. Remember that, what we think is the reflection of our inner beliefs and many of them are based on inappropriate impressions we have created as children. These behavioral patterns are used by our subconscious to quickly and easily respond to everyday events which is essential to our survival.

How? Simply affirm that is already here.Creating Affirmations.The key to the success of an affirmation is its potential or the potentiality of your creative thought. The laws of the universe will respond then not to your asking for what you wish, but rather your affirmation that it is already here. Look at these statements:

I am a big fan of using affirmation to effect personal change. I believe that by choosing to think positive affirmations, it will be easier for my mind to respond to something I believe to be true. Although I know how it works, I still find it astonishing that something this simple can create a dramatic effect in my life. It is nothing short of remarkable but by simply saying short sentences over and over again, you can produce positive change. But, don't let the simple technique fool you into thinking that they cannot work for you.

If you have heard that positive affirmations can change your life for the better, you are more than likely quite intrigued by the possibilities that exist. You can use the power of the law of attraction to bring more money to yourself. You can use it to help attract love, and you can use it to expand your knowledge of how the universe works to a level you may have never thought imaginable. Here are some tips for putting the law of attraction to use within your own life.

Can you see the importance of this process? I AM Beautiful.Therefore, if I write this statement on an index card and place it in my pocket or write it several times in my notebook then say it out loud to myself, what happens? Soon I manifest beauty! I begin to believe what I have written and translate it into a feeling.

It is important to realize that all things exist in some form. The money you need is out there. The perfect person you wish you could spend your whole life with is somewhere, just waiting to meet you. The tools you need for learning exist, and so do the people you need to meet. When you stop to think about this, it makes the idea of lack seem utterly preposterous.In order to use affirmations properly, it is important to know what you want. Spend some time thinking about your desires and work on framing your affirmative statements in a manner that will be most powerful. Do not use any negating statements that talk about what you do not wish to have. Think and speak in completely positive terms.

Take a moment today to focus on what you need to heal. Continue to apply the affirmation process. I think you will find it to be a powerful tool. Remember: Affirm, take action and "wait the results in peace." For it is as one of my favorite spiritual councilors, Iyanla Vanzant, says: "You don't get what you ask for, you get what you believe."

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Understanding How The Law Of Attraction Works

By Diane C. Kuhn

You may ask yourself this question if you believe in the Law of Attraction but have not had the results you wished for. I know I have had my doubts from time to time... being able to manifest small things here and there but never achieving the level of success I had hoped for. I often wondered why could I think of a friend one minute and have her phone an hour later, but when it came to manifesting large sums of money I failed miserably. In fact, just the other day I thought "um I need to get a new headlight" and as I thought to myself "I haven't had anyone tell me it's out for a while", low and behold within a half an hour of having that thought a women yelled out her window to let me know my driver side headlight was burned out! That to me is the Law of Attraction working. Some may say... well that's just coincidence and not the Law of Attraction but I say different.
[Law of attraction]

Two recent popular books promoting law of attraction are The Secret (2007) by Rhonda Byrne, and Esther and Jerry Hick's book Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness (New York Times Best Seller list Aug 2008). The Secret reveals how you can change every aspect of your life. You can turn any weakness or suffering into strength, power, unlimited abundance, health and joy. The book Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness presents the teaching of the non-physical consciousness named Abraham. The book explains that the two subjects most chronically affected by the powerful law of attraction are financial and physical well-being. Both books offer very unique reasons to think positively and teach that we have the power to change our lives for the better.

Although we are unaware of the influence our subconscious mind has on us, it is directly influencing our conscious mind so when your vibes aren't in alignment with the other person you'll immediately get the signal of bad vibes from your conscious mind.You certainly don't need any psychic abilities or such like in order to pick up on the vibes that others are radiating, everyone is picking up these vibes on a subconscious level whether they are aware of it or not. We are always being influenced and stimulated by these vibes.This is how the Law of Attraction works, remember everything is energy or "vibes" and has a frequency so the vibes you're transmitting are drawing the same vibes back to you. Similar to the example above except the energy that the universe is comprised of is responding to the energy you're radiating.

Most people think about what they don't want instead of thinking about what they do want. As gay men, when we walk down the street, some of us think about what might happen if we run into a homophobe and how they might react to us. At work some of us think about how our co-workers might respond to us. When we go to the theater or to the market with other gay men, we wonder if people recognize we're gay. But what happens if we "stop" thinking about what we're afraid of and "only" think about what we want? Now I will admit it takes some practice to be aware of our thoughts and to consciously learn to change them. But luckily as humans we can discern and choose to think about what we want. One way to quiet the mind and get control of your thoughts is to consider practicing meditation. Once you start to catch and change your thoughts, you are on your way to creating and obtaining the life you want.

So... is the Law of Attraction real or just hype? I say yes the Law is real and will work for you if you learn how to let go of limiting beliefs and apply the 11 Laws that were not reveled in the hit movie. Personally, the results I saw in my life were incredible after I learned and applied the Law of Forgiveness. Once I was able to "let go" of past hurts and anger I immediately started to attract money. You can and will have the results you want if you discover the 11 Laws that Bob Proctor teaches and has used himself to become hugely successful.Supporting healthy eating, using the law of attraction

Do you blame others for some of your misfortunes? Once you acknowledge that only you can manifest that which you desire you will be in good stead to proceed through the next three steps.Here you need to be completely honest with yourself and ask yourself how committed you really are to making your dreams a reality. Most people give up to early because they don't see the results that they want fast enough, it takes time to really accept that you can or already have received that which you desire.

We all work hard to make things happen for ourselves, and then when the world offers then to us, often we don't take them. Use the law of attraction to bring what you want, then let go of past habits and happily receive what you deserve.The basic premises of The Law of Attraction is "like attracts like", or as it's officially stated, "That which is like unto itself is drawn."Remember that everything is energy and that all energy vibrates at certain frequencies.Thus, as per The Law of Attraction, lower vibrational energy attracts more lower vibrational energy. (think fear, hate, jealousy, etc.) Higher vibrational energy attracts more higher vibrational energy, such as love, happiness, joy, etc.

ALWAYS Show Gratitude.Now, here's the problem I see all to often, many people are focusing their attention and energy on the things that they don't have! This is completely the wrong approach as you're sending out vibes of need and want! Instead be grateful for the things that you do have, each day show appreciation for being blessed with these things and you'll be radiating a much more positive vibe.This really is key as you'll gradually realize that you are actually already better off than most (third world countries for instance).

You will also need to think about the way that the negative energy makes you feel and also how the positive attitude or energy makes you feel. Then you have to choice to let go of the negative feelings and think about the ways that the positive energy will affect you. You will want to consider that there are many things that you will need to do in order to let go of the baggage and that this step could take you awhile. Feel free to use therapy techniques like massage therapy to replace your negative energy with positive energy.The third step says that you need to see yourself in that way, however, when it comes to eating, you will find no need to shovel in the bad stuff. You will be able to break your habits with step two and once you have released that energy, you will feel like a completely different person. The last step says that you need to accept what it is that you have asked for, however, you just need to learn how to accept yourself in this case. Reflect on all the hard work that it was and how much it really changed you. You will find that the reflection will show even more respect for yourself and for the process.

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Are You Using Positive Words As Your Success Strategy? Test Yourself

By John W. Barker

We are living in a world of words and as Manly Hall, the Canadian-born author and mystic said, "Words are potent weapons for all causes, good or bad." Due to the fact that this is so true, I have devised a quiz, so that you can test yourself to see whether you are aware of the profound effects that positive words, or negative words have.We often say words thoughtlessly but also, many times, we do not really mean what we say. In sense, we live in a semantic universe. Have you ever heard a father say that his child is dead lazy, or have you heard someone say, "I wanted to die, when.."perhaps he ran into a colleague that you were trying to avoid? Is that really what that person really meant, that is, that he wanted to die? Of course not, so you can see how vital the choice of positive words are.
[positive words]

Every word that we say has an effect. All spiritual disciplines warn us to be very careful of the words that we speak. Negative words can remain with a child all his life as can positive words. A moment of irritation can cause a parent to say "You never do things right." Many a child has heard a parent or relative say, "You will never make anything of yourself." How damaging that can be, when as an adult he is applying for a job.

The Good news is that the breakthrough is still in your future, nothing has been cancelled and if you get rid of all your doubts and activate your faith, you will get the right things at the right time.Some things look impossible but impossible does happen in this world. Just because you don`t see anything happening doesn`t mean nothing is happening behind the scenes. Right now, behind the scenes, God is planning your future. He will move out obstacles out of your way and put the right things at right place.Don`t invite defeat and mediocrity in your life. Pay attention to what you are attracting into your life through your words. You may not feel healthy today but you have to say that you are healthy, you may not feel confident, but you have to call yourself confident. The circumstances may not say that you are prosperous but you have to say by faith that you are prosperous. If you can`t say anything good, don`t say anything at all. Don`t let your negative words keep you from God`s best. If you stop talking defeat, you will certainly see victory in every aspect of your life.he power of words cannot be over estimated. They are the most powerful things in existence.

You can determine to outbalance the negative words with the positive words by listening to inspirational tapes, when at home, or driving in the car. You can join a group where people regularly focus on positive things. You may go to a church group and sing out the positive words in a song. There is a marvellous healing power in sacred songs and hymns.

Many of our most common expressions use negative words. How many times have you or someone else said, "I nearly had a fit." (I stopped saying that after meeting a young boy who suffered from a form of epilepsy that cruelly twisted and contorted him for several minutes each day.) Have you said, " I could have killed him," when some minor thing has bothered us. This fact of how we unwittingly say negative words was brought home to me, when I was living in another country and learning another language.

In our own language we say expressions without thinking, but in another language we tend to notice the literal meaning of words and phrases. For example, there is a phrase in Italian "Non vale niente," that means it isn't worth anything when often the thing is being compared to another thing, but it does not really mean that the object is not worth anything! Another phrase e.g. "morire di noia" means to die of boredom. Translated in a typical sentence could be "I am so sick of working, I hope to die of boredom when I retire." Obviously, a person doesn't really want to die like this when they retire.

I will never forget reading at the start of my self-improvement journey that Louise Hay, the inspired woman who began the positive thinking movement, was on a trip to Australia. The organizer of her tour suggested an organizational shortcut. He said "We can kill two birds with one stone." The great lady, turned to him shocked and said, " Why on earth would you want to kill a bird with a stone?" She was so conscious of words that were spoken and the power of them and insisted always on the discipline of saying positive words.

Let us look at a few examples. If you are in dentist's waiting room and the nurse comes in and says, "I do apologize for the delay, but the dentist has had to do an emergency treatment. I would be more than happy to help you if it more convenient for you to make another appointment.". Or if you have to walk into a supermarket and the manager explains "We are so sorry for the inconvenience, but we are changing the display to make it easier or our customers" If you are anxious about a situation and a friend tells you "Don't worry, everything will turn out alright." What a healing, calming effect those positive words have.

Well, if satan can use negative and destructive words to paint negative and destructive pictures in the heart of people, so that they can live them out and destroy themselves and others, doesn't it stand to reason that if God Almighty can get His positive and powerful thoughts on the canvas of our imaginations, He can change our lives and give us a great self image that will produce joy, inner peace and victory in our lives.If the enemy can use words of lust, perversion and violence to form the inner image of mankind, resulting in people becoming in their experience what they think, how much more will the Word of God develop a god-like character of wholeness, purity and productivity in our lives through the process of meditation.

After having read this text you should be able to evaluate how conscious you are of your choice of words. Positive Words are the backbone of a successful life. The more you integrate them into your day to day living, the more you will have success in every area of your life.

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The 11 Forgotten Laws Review

By Joury Farah

What is The Law Of Supply and why is it so important to your ultimate success? The underlying premise of The Law Of Supply is that God (or The Universe, if that's what you prefer) is the source of all supply. And because God is the source of all supply, there is no shortage in the Universe. There is a never ending supply for all our needs.The Law Of Supply also goes on to state that when there is a demand for something, the resources needed to create it are available.
[11 Forgotten Laws]

There has to be a demand first before we can be aware of the supply. For example, the raw materials to create a motor vehicle has been present in the earth since the dawn of mankind. But it was only once man 's mind broadened to imagine this sort of transport could a demand for it be created. And once the demand was there, man became aware of the raw materials (supply) needed to build the car.

Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey deliver a stellar program that, if utilized, will change your perceptions and help you begin to alter the way you think about life.After a few days, thing my life began to change as I began to change. I could see my thinking go from intensely negative to extremely positive. It was a whole new world and a whole new life I had never expected or experienced before. Most of my life I had been encapsulated in fear, doubt, and insecurity. Suddenly, I was doing things I had put off, starting a new business, revitalizing relationships.

Does it really present a way to achieve financial prosperity? Real income is derived from being able to follow a specific process that will continually bring in money. The 11 Forgotten Laws can increase your motivation to make money but it does not provide you with the ability (in this case the process) to actually do it. If you hope to make income from the II Forgotten Laws, I advise against it as it may be a waste of your time.

The Law of Attraction and How it Works.This law is about trying to live your thoughts. Only when you can imagine the outcome will you be able to finally achieve what you want. Also, it is important that you have to visualize your goals every day, preferably once in the morning and once at night. By thinking about your goals and visualizing them as reality every day, you will naturally be able to take actions that bring you closer and closer to that reality.

When The Secret first hit the market it had great success in sales but limited results for its audience. While some people had success with the techniques it taught, many more were left wondering if conscious intention is something that actually exists. A large part of its viewership seemed left to fend for themselves with unanswered questions stemming from disappointing results. Then Bob Proctor, who played a central role in the movie, came out with The 11 Forgotten Laws which serves to fill in the blanks left for us after watching The Secret.

The 11 Forgotten Laws is a 12 part course which plays out as a conversation between Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey. As the questions are answered, the audience is given a greater understanding of what these laws are, how they apply in our lives, and how to use them effectively. The central tenet of their teachings revolves around the law of cause and effect.

They say there are laws in the universe which affect us by way of our own decisions, and how knowing these laws will allow us to finally control their outcome; no matter how big or small.The lessons are supported by an online forum where viewers can share their questions and experiences with the program. As spiritual seekers are often big into giving without expecting anything in return (which is one of the laws), these forums act as a great supplementary source for the lessons. Each session also comes with a list of questions that helps students better understand and internalize the laws.

"The 11 Forgotten Laws" isn't an audio book, it's a conversation between Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey. They talk about, and explain the 11 laws. The interaction between them is satisfying, and makes for enjoyable listening.Of course, what you really want to know is -- does this material work? Yes, it does. I've been working with this audio series for several weeks, and I'm only up to the Law of Receiving, which is halfway through the series. I find myself listening to sections of the program several times. Although the material is easy to understand, putting it to work in your own life is what's essential.

Tips to Help You to Get the Most from "The 11 Forgotten Laws" Read the Transcript and Make Notes As You Listen to the Audio.The audio is in the form of a conversation between Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey, so it's easy to miss nuggets of information unless you follow along with the transcript: this program is packed with information you can put to use immediately. So make notes, and integrate the material into your life right away.Add tasks into your calendar program to help with the integration; put the information to use, and watch the results develop in your own life. I'm still working through the program, but I've seen results already.Listen to Each Section of the Program Several Times.Every minute of the program is inspiring, so listen to it as often as possible. When I first listen to a section, I make notes, and then review my notes whenever I listened to it again.Share This Material With Others in Your Family.The "The 11 Forgotten Laws" program will help you to bring the law of attraction to life. Share it with your partner and children, so the whole family can benefit.

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Stop Smoking Tips And Research Reports

By Eric L. Miller

Lately, everyone seems to have a collection of stop smoking tips. Even the tobacco companies offer programs and methods to stop smoking for those who are interested. There are good reasons for pushing people to quit. Major health organizations, like the American Cancer Society, consider the 435,000 yearly deaths attributed to tobacco use preventable. If only people would quit smoking cigarettes and using other forms of tobacco or better yet, don't start.In recent years, advertising campaigns that target teens have been banned. State laws make it illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to purchase cigarettes. And, in some states, you can be prosecuted for buying cigarettes for someone who is underage.[
[Best Way To Stop Smoking]

Another variation is that it can also involve a group participation of quitting where a few people can quit simultaneously. A group of six colleagues or friends can each contribute certain amount each to be kept by a non-smoking person. At the end of four month, the money will be divided among those who are able to remain as non-smokers.

179 smokers at the Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center were split into two groups. Both groups were offered a free smoking cessation program that consisted of classes, a written collection of stop smoking tips and information about methods to stop smoking such as nicotine replacement (patches, gums, etc.) and prescription medications.One group was offered $20 for each class that they attended and a $100 bonus if they had quit smoking within 30 days of completing the program. No financial incentive was offered to the second group.

If you have a specific reason for quitting, whether you're trying to save money, lose weight, or opting to go healthy, make sure to use these goals to your best advantage. For instance, many people fear to quit smoking because they want to lose weight or feel they'll gain weight if they quit, when the truth of the matter is that nicotine actually slows your metabolism down. Instead of grabbing that cigarette, try to put that urge to productive use. Exercising is a great way to curb the urge and releases endorphins, which act similar to the sensation that nicotine provides, calming you down or making you happier.

Nicotine patches and other methods to stop smoking are effective for some people, but the percentages are not much better than the 12.2% reported in the Philadelphia study. Studies report effectiveness ranging from 14-21% for nicotine replacement and prescription medications. Some studies show that hypnotherapy can be effective as much as 40% of the time.There is no shortage of good information on the internet about the dangers of smoking. There's also plenty of sites offering free advice on how to quit.

After studying this list, sit down and compose your own list. Tailor it to your personality and fashion of managing things. Make your own program for stopping.Write down why you would like to stop (the benefits of resigning). You know what the high risks are about smoking and you know what you will acquire by stopping. Place it in writing and read it each day.Involve your household and acquaintances to back up your decision to stop. Require them to be totally supportive and non-judgmental. Inform them early that you'll in all likelihood be ill-natured and even irrational while you disengage from your smoking use.Arrange a stop date. Choose what day you'll eliminate your cigarettes forever and write it down. Plan for it and gear up your mind to stop forever. You may even harbor a little ceremonial occasion once you smoke you final cigarette, or on the daybreak of the stop date.

They may have been prompted to make their decision to stop smoking because of some smoking related family tragedy or just because they're fed up with the constant smell of smoke on their clothes. Whatever the reason... they 'Just Quit.' They made their decision and were happy with it, knowing deep down that they were doing the right thing. The incredible feature of these people who seem to find it easy to 'just stop' is that they don't complain about wanting to smoke but not being 'allowed', they aren't bothered by other people smoking and they get on and enjoy life without craving nicotine.

Picture your path to becoming a non-smoker. When executing your deep breathing in step eight, you will be able to shut your eyes and start to imagine yourself as a non-smoker. Construe yourself in savoring your practice in step seven. Find yourself declining a cigarette that someone offers you. Find yourself throwing away all your cigarettes and gaining a chromatic decoration for doing so. Formulate your own imaginative visualizations. Visualization can help.Cut back on cigarettes bit by bit. When you cut back step by step, make certain to arrange a stop date on which you'll resign. Styles to cut back step by step include: plan how many cigarettes you'll smoke daily till your stop date, forming the amount you smoke smaller every day; purchase just one pack at a time; alter brands so you do not enjoy smoking as often; give your cigarettes to someone else, so that you have to ask for them each time you would like to smoke.

In our culture struggle is seen as a natural and even admirable process of getting what we want. But when it comes to quitting smoking, relying on will power and determination only makes things worse for most people. You probably know what I'm talking about. Have you tried numerous stop smoking programs and products only to fail time and time again? It's not your fault! You're just following instructions... instructions that are, unfortunately, outdated and just don't work!You have to truly want a life without smoking more that the cigarettes themselves!This may sound obvious, but the fact remains that some people just aren't ready to quit.

Make a conscious effort to breathe deep, taking deep breaths and exhaling gives you the relaxation that you get when you inhale smoke. The difference is you will be breathing in oxygen and exhaling carbon monoxide rather than the 200 known poisons in tobacco smoke.When you get the urge to have a cigarette, put it off for 5 minutes. You will find this very effective, if you can just put it off for a few minutes and find something else to do, it might be an hour before you think about it again.Drinking more water will help because that cigarette won't taste the same as it does with coffee or beer. Water will also help flush nicotine out of your body.Breathe deeply through a straw like you would if you were having a cigarette. You will get the deep relaxing breaths without the cigarette smoke, and it imitates the behavior.Start a new hobby that involves working with your hands.Stop smoking inside the house and car.Use nicotine patches or ask your doctor for a prescription. There are medications that are very effective to help you quit smoking.Suck on a piece of hard candy or chew gum.Cigarette smoking is very addictive and you must find other things to do when the urge to smoke hits you. Quitting smoking now will improve your life and you should do everything you can to succeed. Pick a date to quit and get started today.

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