Top Tasty Low Glycemic Snacks

By Leigh Bean

In recent years, the expression "low GI" has become the latest catchphrase in studies about nutrition and dieting. The "GI", or glycemic index, refers to how certain portions of food raise the body's blood sugar level. Foods that slowly raise blood glucose are viewed as low GI foods. These types of food are perfect for dieters. This is because they speed up the metabolism, promote sustained levels of energy, and keep nasty hunger pangs, commonly associated with a regimented eating regime, at bay. Here are the top ten recognized low glycemic snacks.

Yogurt - of the zero or low-fat variety - is universally recognized as the best snack in this category. Not only is it low in dangerous saturated fat, but it is a fantastic source of calcium for the bones. Look for plain yogurts with no sugar. Also, types of yogurt with live cultures are very healthy. This is because they are rich in probiotics and other kinds of "good bacteria." These organisms assist digestion and help prevent disorders associated with the bowels.

Nuts are delicious, easy-to-carry, and immensely healthy. They contain valuable amounts of protein, as well as carbohydrates and beneficial unsaturated fats. This means that they are a perfect snack for vegetarians. Avoid salted nuts, and look for roasted or raw variations. Walnuts have great properties for the nervous system, and almonds are perfect for boosting the strength of the bones.

There are all kinds of low GI vegetables, such as asparagus and broccoli. Serve them raw with other veggies, like cucumber and celery, accompanied by a dip. These include guacamole (made from delicious avocado and lemon) and hummus, a flavorsome chickpea-based dip. Note that carrots, squashes and corn are actually rather high on the glycemic index.

It's also possible to eat cheese on a low GI eating plan. Look for skim cottage cheese. It is scrumptious served with some black pepper or fresh green herbs. It is also high in calcium and low in fat.

Fruit also come with low glycemic variations. Good examples are deciduous fruits like berries, cherries and apples. These are high in fiber and very low in carbohydrates - excellent for dieting. Also look into melon and grapefruit. However, not all fruits are ideal for this particular eating plan. Bananas, papaya and mango are all very high on the GI for fruit.

Dried fruits are also good, especially apricots. Like nuts, they are delicious and easy to carry. Take note, though, that smaller portions of dried fruit are required.

There are also many types of low glycemic breads of the market today. Simply look for heavier, grainier alternatives to normal bread loaves. Try soy and linseed loaf, as well as heavy mixed grain and wholewheat pumpernickel.

These low glycemic snacks show that dieting doesn't have to be difficult. They are varied, delicious and healthy. But above all that, they work to ensure that the body is consistently energized throughout the day, and that any fatigue or hunger stays far away.

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