A Simple Way to Really Lose Belly Fat

Like thousands of other women (and men) who are constantly looking for new ways to get rid of belly fat, I have tried different diets, exercise plans and diet aids. Although I have found that most weight loss methods are based on reducing calorie intake while burning more calories, I have always fallen short of my final goals. This failure comes when my determination and will power fail!

I have always had a sweet tooth and have found it more than a little difficult to pass up a desert. At times, my cravings for chocolate have made me more irritable than anyone else around me was willing to put up with. Unfortunately, I also have a wide family history of diabetes and have slowly been creeping up the charts on my own sugar readings for years.

I would like to say that I realized that my health was more important than my desire to eat sweets or that I finally hit rock bottom with my weight loss attempts. The truth is, I don't know why I have managed to accomplish so much more this time than all the times before but I have been without sugar for months. Maybe it is the fact that a shift in hormones finally went in my favor! Whatever the reason, the results have been amazing so far.

In addition to not eating sugar, I have also reduced the amount of potatoes I eat. I really haven't wanted them like normal so this was an unconscious effort on my part. I am one of those women who purchases clothes two sizes too small so that I am inspired to get into them by losing enough weight. This usually results in my having a lot of clothes in my closet with the tags still hanging on them. But all that changed yesterday.

I was going to a special event that I have been looking forward to for months. I wanted to wear something new and I new that, although I haven't stepped on the scale since I gave up sweets, there is definitely some belly missing. I chose a short wool skirt and jacket (tags still intact), put them on, and wore them to the event!

When I measured my waist a few weeks ago, I had lost two inches from my waist. I don't know how much I have now lost and I am not sure that I will check for a while. I am having too much fun gauging my accomplishments by trying on new clothes.

I know that many so-called professionals and success story authors tell you to weigh a lot in order to keep up with achievements and to address failures. My boyfriend has just lost about twenty pounds and he weighs twice a day. However, for me, not stressing over the details has made this attempt a much easier one.

I have always heard that belly fat was associated with sugar and now I believe it whole-heartedly. I am starting back on my exercise plan in order to help me firm up and I intend to keep ignoring sweets. I am starting to feel better physically and mentally and I can't believe how easy it has been.

For those times when I do want something a little sweet but don't want to indulge, I use sugar-free popsicles, unsweetened fruit cups, individual boxes of raisins or yogurt, with or without fruit and granola added. It's hard to believe weight loss could be so easy.

Read more about topics that matter to women at http://www.herlifeafter40.com. Weight loss doesn't have to be about purchasing the latest exercise machine or diet aids. It is just a matter of finding what is right for you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tammy_Nolan

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