Content Or SEO: A Study Of The Two Heavyweights Of Optimisation

By Fra Tiffany

The launch of Penguin update from Google the past few months has instilled fear into the hearts of many Internet marketers. What are they afraid of? Well, Google's annoying habit of spewing out updates in a bat of an eyelash surely has made ranking-conscious online marketers scared of what's about to come, particularly if the update is expected to lead to the demise of the precious rankings of web sites that have been the focus of their marketing efforts.

Many online specialists are pushing for marketing campaigns that are thoroughly immune from Google's updates. To achieve such immunity, optimisers and online marketers are encouraged to focus on content creation. After all, the Penguin and Panda updates have mostly lashed out at websites that are robbed of relevant, informative content. The proposed belief, in line with what SEO spokesperson Cutts has admitted in the past, focuses on the idea that good content can trump SEO.

Does this mean that SEO can be thrown away as an ineffective marketing junk? Surely, no. The effectiveness of SEO remains the same, but is highly dependent on the marketer's execution. In contrast to popular belief, SEO is not dead. It is still a powerful marketing strategy.

The reason it has a diminishing value is that most optimisers and marketers today no longer adhere to the prescribed SEO techniques of search engines like Google. These unscrupulous online professionals, particularly those that practice black hat SEO, opt for mindless SEO methods that do not bring in any value to users.

What must be done to nurture great ranking and traffic stats? Well, SEOs should learn how to strike a delicate balance between SEO and content. Without good content, every SEO technique becomes an unnecessary offering to online users. Without Search engine optimisation, on the other hand, good content does not receive the exposure that it needs to be appreciated.

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