Making Money Online Today Is Simple With the Right Strategy

The simple truth is that making money online today is not as easy as it was a few years ago, but that shouldn't cause anyone to shy away from seeing internet marketing as a great opportunity. In spite of the challenges internet marketers face today, the internet is still the greatest place for anyone to launch a new business and achieve results that are, in many cases, remarkable.

Set Realistic Expectations

If you've been working at making money online from home for any length of time, you've probably seen the statistic that 98% of those who try to make money online fail to ever earn any income from their efforts. In many cases it's simply because so many people get sucked into the hype and sales pitches on the internet. They start believing the junk which says you can get a push-button website builder and traffic delivery system for only a one-time cost of $47 with a 60 day money back guarantee, and then the downsell offers that same incredible, limited-offer software for the really special discounted price of $27 dollars. Give me a break.

Set your expectations to something real. You're not going to download a $47 piece of software, install it and have it spitting cash out of your computer in 30 minutes. And this may be a surprise, but you're not going to make $9746.42 by a week from Thursday. If that's a big, shocking news item to you then you're probably not cut out for internet marketing.

If you're just starting out in internet marketing then a more realistic expectation is to make $100 within the next 60 days. And then in another 60 days make an additional $500. That's a realistic goal if you're a beginner, and it recognizes the basic fact that you have to earn your first sale before you can get your second one.

Learn the Rules

No matter what you're doing, it's essential to learn the rules. Want to drive a car? Learn the rules of the road and the rules for operating a car. Want to play tennis? Learn the rules. Want to make money with internet marketing? Learn the rules.

Of course, with internet marketing it's a little more challenging to learn the rules. There are numerous websites that appear to be places where you can learn the rules, but when you dig a little you too often find they're just marketing sites for a particular product and the "rules" they're offering are specific to that product or a single business model.

For example, numerous sites will tell you that you have to build a list so that you can market directly to everyone who has signed up for your list. Capturing email addresses to use in email marketing campaigns is just one business model, however. It's a powerful model, but requires a lot of working parts to be operating in synch to be effective, and isn't the best tool to use in all cases.

Instead of finding a place that offers only one product or one approach to building a business, you're better off finding a general approach that can be used in a number of different ways to build a business. Learn the rules to that approach and you can then adapt it to any situation.

Expect Changes

An underlying concept that is essential is that change occurs and making money online today requires you to accept change as a constant factor. Google changes the rules of how it indexes websites, customers evolve and change their behavior, and technologies continue to advance.

Plan for change and accept it as a natural part of being in business. Embrace change as an opportunity to find new ways to help people and build your business. And understand that fundamentals always count and always help to smooth out the bumps caused by changes in the rules.

What does that mean for you as an internet marketer? The fundamentals of the internet are summed up in the phrase "content is king". You've probably heard that before. To achieve success on the internet you need to build quality content and create links from quality content.

Google continues to refine its search engines, and there's a lot of chatter on the net about each update. Read enough of that chatter and the message is clear - Google continues to update its search algorithm to give credit to quality links from sites that have quality content. If you build on quality content you can be sure that you'll not be harmed by future search engine updates. Expect those changes, build quality content, and making money online today is easy.

Jim Nettles is an internet marketer and coach with several years of experience building websites and marketing online. You can get more information about making money online today from this article. And there are other tips and suggestions for learning how to succeed with internet marketing at

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