Are Self Tanning Products For You?

By Haywood Hunter

Many people associate a dark complexion with health and vitality. Millions of people every year seek out a tan for themselves, sun-bathing or even going to a tanning salon. Paradoxically, most people are also aware of the link to skin cancer inherent in getting too much sun. One easy solution to the problem is using self tanning products.

People with tan skin are often considered attractive or hot. But with no sun available for much of the year in many parts of the world, a lot of people use indoor tanning to achieve a tan. Three hundred dollars a year is the average cost that some Americans spend in this industry each year.

According to scientists, the main cause of skin cancer is UV radiation from the sun. This is the main drawback to tanning. It's also a reason why many customers turn to buying self tanning products.

The prohibitive cost of indoor tanning and risk of skin cancer are not a factor when using self tanning products. Self tanning products do not increase the likelihood of skin cancer but have the same visual appeal of a natural tan. And with so many products on the market, budget doesn't have to be an issue for someone looking for a year round glow.

Some of the self tanning products on the market include lotions, sprays, and bronzing creams. The price between one product and another can be large. Quality of product also varies. Each person can choose appropriate self tanning products based on their own tastes and budgetary needs.

Why do people choose self tanning products? For individuals interested in having a "healthy glow" year round, but who don't want the unhealthy side effects associated with prolonged and unprotected sun exposure, self tanning products can be a great option. Individuals can use self tanning products year round and avoid increased risk of melanoma. They can also find a plan that fits with their own budget.

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