Avoid The Bake With Sun Laboratories Ultra Dark Self Tanning Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

The natural Caucasian skin tone is white and sometimes pale, if not reddish. Contrary to some Asian race with darker skin tone, who desire products to be fairer, most people in the west crave for products with the opposite effects. In this regard, Sun Laboratories Ultra Dark Self Tanning Lotion was introduced in the market for this very reason; to darken the epidermal complexion without the harmful effects.

Tanning is not an instant procedure as it takes time to achieve it. Some take it from free UV rays by bathing under the sun. Others take it from Tanning beds or booths available in beauty salons and spa. But from these sources comes a price. Bathing under the sun not just give the tan but also sunburn, uneven tone and pain.

The energy from the sun is composed of different wavelengths making up the lights both visible, and non visible spectrum. Some are beneficial and harmful to different species. Visible light makes our eyes function, the Infra Red frequency carries heat and the Ultraviolet frequency is responsible for most skin problems when exposed for longer periods.

Self tan is achieved with the use of chemically based blend of ingredients that interacts with the skin cells in the outer region of the epidermis. This cellular interaction thereby produces a darker pigment, without the aid of the Ultraviolet radiation either from the sun or from artificial source.

Sun Laboratories is a company based in California that makes the Ultra Dark Self Tan Lotions together with other side products. It was founded by Gisela Hunter in 1983 with the plan of creating a product for toning skin painlessly and no sun required. Through the years of non stop research, advancement in results has been evident to their later products.

Sun Labs tan formula is made of natural ingredients and do not contain animal proteins which creates uncommon odor. Upon applying this cream formula on your skin, it also gives off a cherry-almond like scent. It also instantly shows results by lessening pigments and evens out the color texture of the skin.

Products for achieving skin tan are advised to be applied during the night. As for Sun Labs tan kits, they come with an exfoliating cream and a maintenance moisturizer. Because the product works only on the outer layers of the skin, it is best to get rid of the dead skin cells using exfoliants for a lasting effect. The moisturizer maintains a good skin health for a healthier glow.

Even if it is summer, most people are not always available to stay out under the sun for a period of time. They are either working or engaged in more productive activities which do not give them the luxury of time to do the tanning naturally. The introduction of Sun Laboratories Ultra Dark Self Tanning Lotion is a great alternative to the natural procedure minus the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

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