Do you getting excuses to have more sex?

By Alex Smith

First maybe love-making is not the most effective fat-burning exercise, but there are many benefits of Making Love, let's look and you can make your own decision. Do you wanna continue with your old diet and exercise, or have you time for some healthy sex?

Let's look what can offer good old sex for you? Like any fat burning exercise sex increase your heart rate and keep it on the right level. Also using many muscle groupin your body which improve your cardio vascular system. Most researches shows that men who have sex less than once a month have more chances to get heart attack then those men who have sex more than twice a week. So love-making it's a good way to improve your heart.

Since we are raising our heart rate and using all of those muscle groups you will burn more calories and increase your metabolism. That's right burning calories is what all people after in losing weight. If you will have sex once a day for a month, you will lose a pound by having some old fashion sex. If you think that is not much, ask yourself how many enjoyable workouts that will assist you lose weight you know?

Most people even don't know half health benefits what Making Love can provide. Did you know that sex three times a week improve your immune system and that mean protection from many diseases? And from how many different infections you can be protected by immunoglobulin A. Which is linked with sex. Making love create high level of intimacy and promote bonding between persons which create sense of trust. Trust between lovers is a very important as you probably know.

Sex may not be a perfect workout for losing weight, but it will helps in building a healthier you and also will assist you in burning some calories. We both know that there are so many of other exercises out there that you can do and get better benefits, I think it's really depends on ranking benefits. Burning fat, increasing health, creating a deeper connection between you and your beloved definitely are pretty good benefits. And even don't think about getting excuses to have more sex.

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