Healing After Abdominal Surgery

By Rey Vetangelo

One of the resulting side effects that can sometimes be experienced by patients who have undergone surgery in which they have lost a lot of blood is anemia. Anemia is a condition in which the amount of hemoglobin or hematocrit is lower than it should be in the blood.

The first thing you will want to do when you know that you have a scheduled abdominal surgery appointment is make sure that your insurance company is aware of it and that you understand exactly what costs they will cover.

Those who develop a mild case may not even show any of the symptoms. Or if they do, the symptoms may be mild enough that they are unrecognizable by someone who is not looking for them.

As hospital procedures are often very expensive, it is very important that you make sure that you are covered before you earn the bills, or you may be paying them out of pocket. This could be devastating to your budget and it may create financial difficulties for your family.

Research has found that anemia is a condition that about 56 percent of all patients have before they go in for surgery. The reason for this condition is usually related to the health problem they are receiving surgery for or related to other health issues.

Following the operation, you will probably be tired, sore, and you may have a short attention span because of the painkillers. This can be a great time to work on some of your favorite hobbies.

This condition is usually found in patients who are suffering from cancer or who have other chronic diseases. It is usually caused by the inflammation that is associated with these diseases.

This will give you more leave if you have complications and need a lengthy amount of time to recover fully. Of course, you may need to prove your circumstances to your employer.

The red blood cells are responsible for carrying the hemoglobin. As are result, when your body lacks sufficient red blood cells, not enough hemoglobin is carried around to deliver oxygen to all the parts of your body.

You do not have to tell your boss what kind of procedure you are undergoing. Instead, you can simply explain that it is necessary and detail how long you will be gone.

If this condition is left untreated, there may be complications following the surgical procedure including infections, a longer need for breathing assistance, or even a higher risk for death. In addition, the patients who have this condition before entering the procedure may have a greater need for blood transfusions throughout the procedure.

If you leave the hospital to recover at home, you should not do any lifting, housecleaning, or vacuuming. These things can cause physical stress which my hinder your recovery.

However, most cases of anemia can be properly treated. By properly taking care of this condition when it manifests itself could be responsible for saving many different lives.

This means that you will probably want to make sure that your refrigerator and freezer are stocked with foods that you will be able to eat and enjoy following the operation.

This test should be able to tell you whether there is sufficient hemoglobin or hematocrit present as well. If you have this test performed, your doctor will be able to tell you whether or not these levels are normal or if you need to do something to fix them.

In addition, it is simply much nicer to have all of the laundry and dishes done as well as the house clean overall. You do not want to feel guilty about not being able to clean as you recover.

There are some medications that are available which can help encourage your body to boost the number of red blood cells that it produces. These medications are often used to treat this condition before surgery occurs.

However, as you heal, you should be able to do more and more. Although you should avoid wearing yourself out from it, you will want to build up strength slowly. Another thing that you should consider having around is extra pillows. To help relieve discomfort during the recovery process, you may want to lie on your side with a pillow between your knees.

This means that you should be tested for this condition well before the date of your operation so that you can receive the proper treatment when it is possible. If you have any concerns, it is important to talk about these with your doctor.

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