How To Increase Website Google Ranking

By Eli Webbing

Search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing have become essential tools for any one searching for information, services and products on the Internet. If you are a website owner seeking to trade on the Internet, you are probably aware from your own experience of searching the Net that it is rare for people to search for any product or service beyond the first few pages of results.

So, assuming you as a website owner require your site to be popular, competitive and profitable, to have any hope of receiving enough traffic you need to apply SEO strategies to ensure that your pages come in the topmost results so you gain more website traffic.

Lets make something clear at this point, the term website position is a misnomer. Websites don't have a position in the search engines, only web pages (including your home page). When a person searches the web for a keyword, the search engine returns a list of all related pages relevant to that phrase in the order of its own criteria .

Your job, in terms of optimising your website is to make your web page as relevant as possible for phrases relevant to your niche or to try and make your web page the best possible match for the term. This can be very hard or quite easy depending on how much competition there is for the keyword and how well your rivals have optimised their key phrases. However, if you don't optimise your website you are missing out on traffic and revenue you could have gained. Most website builders include some optimization tools.

In this post, lets review methods you can use to optimize your web page content so you can get more traffic. Fortunately a lot of your competitors are unlikely to optimize their pages this way so this should give you a big advantage.

On-page factors are things you can do directly on your site to get traffic but there are also (off-page) things you can do on the Internet that draw traffic to your website. We're only going to look at some of the on-page factors here: page titles, sub-titles and headings, highlighting keywords, keyword density, length of your pages, insertion of media including video and images and using meta-tags.

Make sure your title always includes your main keywords. For example if your web page is about feeding rabbits, your title shouldn't just be 'How to take care of Rabbits' but should be much more specific. Try to imagine what someone searching the Internet would type in e.g. if they would type 'good rabbit feeds', your title might be 'How To Source and Prepare Good Rabbit Feeds'. .

Most news websites include links to their other pages within their article. You should copy this feature. Try to link to your most important articles as linking this way boosts your page optimisation.

Highlight your important keywords in bold, italics or by underlining them. In fact you can do all three. You should also break your articles down into subsections with highlighted sub-titles. If you have access to an in-built HTML editor for your website you can also tag your subtitles with header tags.

While you want to stress your keywords in your article, if you over stress them your page may be penalised, by Search Engines, so where possible, replace your keywords with words with the same meaning (synonyms). You want visitors to spend as much time as possible so you should make your pages long, but not too long, perhaps 500 to 1000 words. You can also add some interactivity such as polls or media such as video.

When it comes to the images you have on your website pages, you should always make sure you don't just name them randomly. Instead change their names to include your keywords. In addition, you should include them in your image ALT tags and captions.

In essence, to outrank your competition on the web you need to optimize as many factors as you can on your web pages. You have a very good chance of doing so since most websites fail to optimize their pages adequately, if at all. Doing this will help you gain higher positions for your keywords and higher website ranking.

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