Kettlebell Exercises & the Ways They Can Help Your Form

By Rob Sutter

One of my friends gave me a set of kettlebells for Christmas last year. Kind of an odd thing to try and cover but there it is. They also got me some instructional kettlebell exercises and workout videos. These things will with a bit of luck get me into the best shape that I've ever been in. Who knows, maybe next year I will pay it forward and get them for someone else.

Why are kettlebells such a good appliance for exercising? First of all, these weights help you operate muscles that you typically wouldn't. The deep muscle work that you can get from using kettlebells cannot be earned by most other traditional forms of workouts. Yoga, Pilates, and aerobics all fade in relation to these types of exercises and the deep muscle/tendon work.

Kettlebell exercises are one of the few that provide the afterburn effect. The afterburn effect is where your body continues to burn fat and calories long after you have ended your exercise. This result can last as long as two days, making this type of training the ideal exercises to help stimulate a slow metabolism. Due to its long burnout time, it's the best way to maximize your exercise time. Fitness authorities such as Lorna utilize these methods and the benefits go further than physical gain.

These weights are also incredibly convenient to use. I kept mine in my family room at home so that I could work out whenever I got home from work or on the weekends. I discovered that because of the comparatively short workout time needed with them, having another set of weights at the office was one of the better investments that I've made to date. If you'd like a regimen that can be done just about anywhere, look no further than this.

My friends, who knew my desire to get fitter but also comprehending how busy I am made the best decision in getting me a complete kettlebell training package. The videos, coupled with the weights themselves, have assisted to start me on my way to the best shape of my life. I even took those before photos to have evidence of what I looked like. I can't wait because in two months of industriously working out, I'm hoping the after pictures will be amazing.

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