Social Media and Search Engine Optimization are Essential For Building Trust And Authority

By Myrom Milton

During the time after Google released the Penguin update (in 2012), the web based business world got turned on its ear. People were running around like crazy trying to figure out what it meant for them. As a direct result of this, the incredible importance of social signals became far more widely known. This mainly has to do with SEO but it is really important to the amount of traffic you attract to your website. If you don't at least acknowledge that this development has occurred, there is now ay that your business will survive. Obviously it's trendy today but that doesn't stop it from being important or increasing. If you'd like to implement social signals, whether for SEO or other purposes, here are a few things that you can do.

Learn about Open Graph markup, and you can use this for greater social exposure. This is not a new thing, but it appears to have the right timing to be relevant. You have to learn how to use the markup, which is like HTML for your site. You can give things such as your pictures, pages and URL various meta data descriptions. Then you can take much more advantage of widgets for various social media. A site like this will be more social signal friendly. You want to have a lot of different tools set up so that you can continue to benefit from them.

Internet marketers have known for a very long that things work out better when they don't make things difficult for visitors. You know about having too many clicks in a process, and this is sometimes thought of as click stream. When you are sharing widgets for the purpose of sharing and following , it is just the same in social media engagement. The follow button is a great example because you can now get an instant follow button. The user clicks it one time and they're instantly following you. Or, they can click on a button and instantly like your Facebook page. The new trendy word is engagement. These days you must focus heavily on social engagement or keep your visitors engaged.

Using SEO on your Facebook page doesn't just help on Facebook, it can help with the rest of your marketing too. Composing spammy feeling content is just, plainly, a terrible idea. The people at Facebook are really smart about this, seeing as they're in the Google SERPS. Since we're on the subject--you should also be testing search results for your social pages and social content. The relationship between Google and Twitter isn't looking as great as it used to look. Come to think of it, real time Twitter updates haven't been a part of the SERPs for at least a few months now. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to use Facebook within your SEO.

You don't have a good reason to worry about Google, social signals or SEO. If you crank out plenty of good content and your blog readers are happy, then you are clearly on the right track. Now, you just need to harness the social signals people are willing to create and you'll be fine.

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