About Tan Overnight Self Tan Lotion For Safe Tanning To Protect Your Skin

By Haywood Hunter

Sunless tanning lotions have come a long way from the days when such a bronzing was instantly recognizable because people are not usually that shade of orange. Today a careful application of tan overnight self tan lotion can make you look exactly like you have come from a week at the beach - with none of the peeling and itching that exposure to sunlight can cause.

The name alone tells you a lot. The cream, which is tinted to make you instantly look tanner, 'sets' in three hours to a deeper, richer shade of biscuit brown. If you choose, you can apply it, rub it in well, and go to sleep. When you wake in the morning, shower and admire your new look.

It is a good idea to exfoliate your skin before starting the tanning process. Apply the tinted lotion, which instantly makes you look tanner. Smooth it on evenly, rub it in, and go to bed. In the morning, shower and admire your new, sun-kissed look.

A darkly-tinted cream is easier to apply evenly than one that is white or very light in color. You can see areas that have been missed when the application goes on, so coverage can be evened out before the tanner is rubbed in. Wash hands quickly and thoroughly after the job is done, because the palms of your hands will absorb the color and look stained. Go lightly over knees, elbows, and the tops of the feet, which darken more than other areas.

There are lotions that beautify your skin while darkening it. Natural ingredients such as aloe, Vitamin E, and almond oil will leave you soft and smooth all over, as well as having the lovely color you want.

Use tan overnight self tan lotion to look like you spend time in the sun while in reality you are avoiding over-exposure.

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