Using A Sun Tan Spray Booth

By Haywood Hunter

Ever since the 1960s when health authorities announced that exposure to the sun can be harmful and cause skin cancer, spray on tanning solutions have become more and more popular. Spay on tan is available at beauty salons, and the majority of them use a sun tan spray booth to apply the fake tan solution.

Tanning sprays contain the active ingredient DHA. DHA does not stain or affect skin pigments; it created a chemical reaction with the top lay of the skin, which are dead skin cells. This chemical reaction darkens the color of the skin in the same way as the sun does. Good spray tan solutions have other ingredients that create a natural color, as some spray can make the skin too orange in color.

Before going into the spray tanning booth there are number of steps that are worth taking in order to get the best results, and a more even and natural looking tan. The salon should be able to help you with these steps

Fist of all exfoliate your skin in the shower. This is because your skin will contain flaking dead skin cells that are due to come off. The DHA will react to these flaking cells, so when they do come off you will have an uneven tan because the skin underneath will not have reacted with the DHA. It is important to concentrate on exfoliating difficult areas, such as elbows, knees and ankles.

After you are exfoliated it is very important to rehydrate the skin. This can be done by using a daily moisturizing lotion. This also helps the tan look very natural and smooth. Moisturizing the skin in between tanning is also a good way to keep the skin healthy.

Most people prefer not to wear clothing inside the booth so that they get an all over the body tan. Some people prefer to wear underwear; however, they could become stained during the spraying process. You do not need to worry if the spray gets into the eyes as it is not an irritant to the eyes or to any other area of the body.

While the tanning is taking place, be careful not to inhale the solution, even though it is not harmful if ingested. DHA is harmless is ingested in moderate qualities, and it has also been used as an dietary supplement and it is non-carcinogenic. DHA is in fact less toxic that caffeine, aspirin and salt.

The hair does not need to be covered either, as DHA does not affect hair follicles, although some people prefer to wear a shower cap just in case. After the tan is complete it is just a simple case of towel drying, this will not cause streaks on the tan and any solution on the towel is just excess. After toweling dry you can put on your clothes; they will not be affected by the solution. Within a couple of days you can enjoy a natural looking and even tan all over your body. A tan will last for several days, so it is recommended to return after five days to top up the tan at the sun tan spray booth.

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