Airbrush Spray Tans Allow You To Enjoy A Darker Skin Color That Looks Natural

By Haywood Hunter

Airbrush spray tans became popular since the 60s after health experts warned the public of the dangers of having too much UV light exposure. Especially when obtained at professional salons, airbrush spray tans can cause a darker skin complexion that appears so natural. The sun-kissed radiance may be enjoyed for about an entire week.

Experts on airbrush spray tans use a special handheld device which delivers a liquid solution. This contains DHA, a chemical extracted from plants. DHA is the reason behind why there is no need to expose skin to the sun or UV-emitting lamps just to cause more melanin to form. DHA in airbrush spray tans can cause darkening of the skin's top layer.

Regardless where airbrush spray tans are done or the brand of the solution used, DHA remains to be a very important component. When it comes into contact with oxygen and the amino acids in dead skin cells, a chemical reaction takes place. The skin's topmost layer turns darker, just like when you slice an apple and allow the oxygen in the air to cause it to brown.

Even when you hit the shower, the deep brown color airbrush spray tans produce won't come off. However, it will begin to fade after about a week because the top layer of your skin is naturally replaced on a regular basis. If you want the golden tan to stay around longer, the skin has to be applied regularly with moisturizers to keep the cells hydrated. Nowadays, there are topical solutions around that are used in conjunction with airbrush spray tans to help make the color last longer.

Airbrush spray tans provided by the pros allow you to sport a fake bronzed complexion that everyone will think is real. A kit for home use may also be purchased. But if you want to achieve an excellent outcome, it's important to practice. You may ask a relative or friend to help with the application on body parts that you and the handheld device cannot reach.

Airbrush spray tans also contain other ingredients than just DHA. Bronzers are normally added too so that you may see an instant result. They immediately stain the skin, and this also contributes to the attainment of a smooth and even coverage. Immediately after a session, it's important to avoid carrying out physical activities that can cause you to sweat as the bronzers may be erased. Also, try sticking to wearing dark-colored and loose fitting clothes to avoid unnecessary staining.

Bronzers are essential because it will take a few hours for DHA to cause skin darkening. The DHA content of airbrush spray tans require at least 24 hours to produce the deepest possible skin complexion. During such time, keep your skin from being touched by chlorinated water and soap to prevent the destruction of DHA, especially while it is still doing its job.

With airbrush spray tans, it's possible to have the resulting tone to be customized. You may let the expert at the tanning salon know how light or dark the tan you want to have. The procedure may be done on the whole body or on certain areas only.

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