Excellent healthy and balanced breakfast meals for weight loss

By Faryn Clark

Intake of morning meal is a healthy habit for weight control. Research has proven that subjects who take breakfast regularly tend to be leaner and are successful at achieving weight loss. Apart from losing weight through diet plan, people who eat breakfast can effortlessly keep it off. Moreover, people who take breakfast get adequate nutrients, fiber, calcium, riboflavin, vitamins A and C, iron and zinc. Intake of breakfast cereal helps to manage fat level and dietary cholesterol as it cereals are fortified with naturally nutrient-rich fruits, vitamins and minerals. Daily intake of cereal for breakfast can sound monotonous at times and one can try mixing up the morning meal with some of the below mentioned foods that promote weight loss.

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal promotes weight loss in two ways. Firstly, it contains high fiber content that causes fullness for long period. Secondly, a recent study has proven that consuming breakfast made of "slow-release" carbohydrates such as in oatmeal or bran cereal can promote fat loss, especially when taken 2 to 3 hours before performing exercise. This occurs due to the action of "slow-release" carbohydrates, which prevent sudden surge of blood glucose levels as it occurs as in case of refined carbohydrates. In addition, one can prevent sudden peak of insulin levels because the body is signaled by insulin to deposit fat and maintain low blood sugar levels. Best benefits can be experienced by the intake of a warm bowl of (rolled or steel cut oats) oatmeal combined with a dried fruit for sweetness. Alternately, brown sugar, touch of honey or applesauce can also be added.

2. Berries

A healthy breakfast meal should include berries of all kinds including blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries. These fruits can be added to an oatmeal, cold cereal, yogurt, pancakes or French toast. Berries abundantly contain are anti-inflammatory compounds, referred to as anthocyanins, which are effective in preventing diabetes, heart disease and improve eyesight and short-term memory. Dieters can prefer taking a cup of raspberries, which delivers up to 8 grams of fiber. Recent research suggests that adequate intake of fiber can encourage weight loss and prevent weight gain. The researchers have demonstrated that boosting fiber intake by 8 grams for every 1,000 calories promoted weight loss by up to 4 pounds.

3. Nonfat Greek Yogurt

Nonfat Greek yogurt offers several health benefits as it contains a protein that curbs hunger when compared to a traditional yogurt. It is highly recommended to fend off the mid-morning hunger pangs. Yogurt is a rich source of protein that helps to get leaner. According to researchers, consumption of yogurt and other dairy products contain whey protein naturally. Whey protein is a type of protein that aids in weight loss. In addition, whey protein helps to build lean muscle mass by up to 7 percent. Plain yogurt helps to save calories and is a best substitute for sugary foods.

4. Eggs

Eggs are highly recommended for dieters as they deliver adequate protein when compared to fat and carbohydrates. Moreover, protein creates stomach fullness by keeping one satisfied longer. A study claims that dieters who took eggs for breakfast felt fuller for long duration and refrained from food cravings. They lost twice more weight when compared to those who received the same amount of calories through a bagel for breakfast.

5. Peanut Butter

The Harvard researchers claim that nuts top the list of weight loss promoting foods. It is advised to take one to two tablespoons of peanut butter along with a whole-wheat toast, which is a "slow-release" carbohydrate. Alternately, one can include nuts to an oatmeal breakfast, which is another "slow-release" carb.

6. Cottage Cheese

It is advised to take low at cottage cheese with a fresh fruit for morning meal. It makes one feel fuller for longer period of time. About 16 g of protein is loaded in cottage cheese, which avoids hunger and includes only about 1 g of fat.

7. Flaxseeds

It is advised to just sprinkle flaxseeds to an oatmeal, yogurt, or blend it to a muffin batter or morning smoothie. Flaxseeds are rich in fiber, omega-3 fat, and protein. The seeds are highly power driven and can keep one energetic for the day.

8. Whole-Grain Cereal

An ideal breakfast meal should contain 1 serving of whole grain cereal mixed with skim milk or low-fat milk. It is best to avoid taking whole grain cereals containing high caloric count and sugars. One should go for some of the superior quality brands that are known to pack reliable cereal foods.

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