The Cause of Acne: Discover how to be Acne Free!

By Allan Johns

Acne is an unpleasant skin condition and for most sufferers. The main cause of acne is a change of hormones within the body when a person reaches puberty.

About 80% of all adolescents are affected at some point, with spots and pimples occurring on the face, back, chest and neck of the individual. Androgens, a type of hormone, can trigger the sebaceous glands into the over-production of sebum (oil), which is usually the main cause of acne.

Intended to keep the skin supple and smooth, the sebaceous glands produce extra oil, which can unfortunately be the underlying cause of acne.

Bacteria forms on the surface of the skin when the skins own oil, combined with dead skin cells, blocks pores providing a breeding ground for bacteria. This then becomes a cause of acne and spots appear due to the multiplying of the bacteria inside the blocked pore.

You will find shops stock a wide range of products that are supposed to keep the skin healthy and retard the development of spots, pimples and other skin afflictions. However, they often contain ingredients which are simply too harsh for human skin, resulting in the over production of sebum which is the actual cause of acne.

Other hormones besides androgens have been found to be a cause of acne. Cortisol is produced as a result of stress and studies have proved that acne can be aggravated by it's rising levels.

Specialists studying acne have discovered that there is a genetic link. If acne affects members of your gene sharing family, then you are unfortunately more likely to become a sufferer yourself.

Another possible cause may be the use of certain prescribed drugs, including steroids and oral contraceptives. However, there are certain types of contraceptive pill that may be prescribed as a treatment of acne and other hormone related skin problems.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) occurs in some women and causes extremely high levels of androgens to be produced. Androgens are a main cause of acne and PCOS sufferers are therefore likely to develop many unpleasant symptoms including skin problems and acne.

The acne sufferer is often left with severe scarring and unpleasant marks on their skin that will often remain with them for life. Resisting the urge to pick and squeeze spots and pimples will reduce the chances of scars as it is these actions which cause the infection to go deeper into the skins tissue and cause extensive damage.

Acute inflammatory acne resulting in the development of large cysts under the surface of the skin can occur in some people. Sadly, even if the sufferer resists the urge to pick at these cysts, they usually result in scars due to their tendency to spread and rupture spontaneously.

Contrary to popular belief, the root cause of acne is not either a poor diet or poor hygiene, although if you don't wash your face or remove make-up, bacteria will then be able to multiply on your skin.

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