Are You In A Position To Work From Home Full Time?

By Howe Russell

Once you know how to become your own boss with an affilaite program, such as Avon or Empower Network, there is a large temptation to throw all of your time into it and make it your primary focus in life. However, quitting your job in a bid to become a full-time online entrepreneur comes with huge risks.

Before you can even consider a decision like this, you must look at the state of your current online business and decide whether you believe it is in a position to replace your job as your primary income source. Most people are not in that position. If you are, however, then pay close attention to the following facts. [
See how Russ Howe became established in empower network here.

Can you remember why you decided to try working from home? For most people, it was the fact that they didn't really enjoy their current path in life. They wanted to try doing something where they were in control, instead of working a job they disliked. However, as much as you might dislike that job you currently have it does give you one very important thing. It gives you a regular monthly income. Your online business cannot do the same thing because, as an entrepreneur, that is one of the risks involved in working for yourself.

It may seem like common sense that you should only consider quitting your job if your online business is in a position healthy enough to do so, but you'd be amazed at how many people make the transition far too early. Usually, people who are struggling with their chosen affiliate program do this under the impression that simply having more time each day to build their business will unlock the keys to success. The fact is they simply need to learn how to manage their time more effectively. There is nothing stopping someone with only 1-2 hours per day from building a great online income if they take the time to learn how to market effectively. Sadly, most people don't. Also, as soon as they lose the safety net of the guaranteed income they had at their day jobs, their online business becomes an awful lot more stressful than it used to be.

Stress can be a progress killer. Even if you have more time available you may struggle to see any difference in results because you have stressed yourself out so much. Frustration can take hold and before long you have changed the entire outlook of what was potentially a great home based business opportunity.

One of the aspects of the MLM industry which needs to be addressed here is retention. If you are constantly trying to replace the members who are joining and quitting then this could prove a problematic area if your online business represents you primary income source. Are you generating enough new leads and sales to enable you to do this without worry?

So, while the idea of learning how to become your own boss might sound fantastic it certainly comes with it's fair share or risks, too. One of the biggest reasons most people fail in opportunities like Avon and Empower Network is because the companies make it look far simpler than it actually is. If you truly want to work from home full time you should concentrate first on getting your business to a level of income where you could make the switch without ruining your finances.

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