Marketing For Low-Budgeted Small Business

By David Belling

There are small businesses that started out with only the products that they are selling and a little piece of equipment. When it comes to manpower there were times when the owner is the marketer, the staff and the accounting officer as well. This shows an example of a low-budgeted business. Too low-budgeted that they may have forgotten to set aside some money for a cheap advertisement such as printing out a flier, producing multiple copies of it in black and white and giving them all away to passer-bys. Marketing without the money may be difficult before but in today's generation, there are a lot of ways on getting it for free.

Online Marketing for Free

Your products and services can be marketed for free through different ways online. One of this is by making use of the crowded social media networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. You can upload many products and spread it by sharing for as long as you want. There are 1.06 billion of monthly Facebook users around the world and marketing through this busiest site can really give your business a nice exposure for free. First, you must create an official fan page, enter some details about the business and start earning fans or followers. After that, create a PayPal account and ready yourself for many packaging tasks. Keep your account updated and interact with your customers, fans and followers regularly to maintain and gain more customers.

Having your own site for free could be possible. You can contact different website companies to see if they can give you a website for free in exchange of keeping their advertisements on your website. You might need to wait for their decision but it is worth the try. You can also post your advertisements through Google Places, Craigslist and other online advertising sites. A description and a link is also an effective technique and you can do this by writing some articles and blogging with links to your official site or Facebook page. Sending bulk messages manually using your email accounts is also a form of marketing and you must have a list of customers to make this happen.

Marketing for Free without the Internet

Even though without the internet service, you can still attract a lot of potential buyer through different marketing ways that are for free. These methods may not be as powerful as what you can do online but this are guaranteed to be easy and results can be seen fast. Having a press release is a way that you to advertise or market about your business for free. You just have to finalize your message, send it to the local media and wait for it to be announced. Some media people could be difficult that they will just delete your message without notification if you clogged their inboxes.

Giving free lectures and presentation is another form of marketing. You can speak about your business in local colleges and inform them about what you started the business. Giving community presentation can serve as a small introduction of your business to your neighborhood. By trying this, you may be able to pull out a crowd who are interested enough to try out buying some products from your small business. You also have the option to call for the assistance of your local Chamber of Commerce. This organization provides assistance to local businesses throughout the United States. They will give you a chance to be a part of different events and you can take that as an opportunity to introduce your business. You'll also have a chance to meet with other business owners where you can get referrals and other ideas that you can use to improve your business.

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