Best Meditation Methods

By Abby Jarvis

Discovering the best meditation method for you is one of the highs you can experience in modern chosen mantra over and over, either out loud or in your life.Too often, we are too stressed even to contemplate meditation, even though taking a few quiet minutes to meditate could be one of the best things we could do in our lives.
[Best Meditation]

Learn about the Breathing Techniques. In meditation, one of the first few things that is needs to be learned is proper breathing techniques. To do this, you must first sit comfortably (either on a chair or on the floor) with legs crossed or the Indian sit. Place your palms on each leg with palms facing up. Close your eyes and start to listen to the things happening around you. Start paying close attention to your breathing making sure to slowly inhale and breathe out through your lips. Do this in a slow manner until you are able to concentrate on without being distracted of the noise around you or be bothered by thoughts running through your head.

Pick a place to meditate. You do not necessarily have to go far and wide and go to mountain tops just to meditate. Even a corner of your bedroom is already more than enough to be able to meditate. The important thing in making meditation successful is to be able to find a place where the noise is minimal and is free of distractions.Make use of music and other things if needed. There are actually music that are really meant for meditation. It usually entails the use of ancient musical instruments or the sounds of nature such as the gushing water or the sound of the wind and the trees. These are actually a few things that can help you concentrate. You can also make use of scented candles if you like to make meditation more inviting.

It's important to me not to have a rigid schedule. My body and my intuition tell me when it is time to meditate. If I feel I am "forcing" myself to meditate, I stop. Instead, I go for a walk or just do something different from what I have been doing to release any resistance or clear my head. Because I'm already a regular meditator, it makes sense to say that I only meditate when I want to. When I was beginning, though, I did find it was important to make the decision to meditate at certain times and sit myself down to do it whether I really wanted to or not.

To make progress in meditation it is important to meditate at least once a day. If you are inspired then it is good to meditate 3 times a day. Regularity is very important for increasing your meditation capacity. Some people may say it is very hard to find time in a busy day to meditate. However if you really value something then you will find time. 3 times a day we find time to feed the body. We should also feel the necessity of feeding our soul, our inner being. If we value meditation then we will not want to miss our regular period of silence.

The best time to meditate is early in the morning. Early in the morning the earth is restful and more peaceful. Also there are less demands on your time. Therefore the morning consciousness is more conducive to meditation.Sri Chinmoy says,"If you meditate in the morning, you will find that your meditation will be most fruitful. Before the sun rises, the earth -consciousness is not yet agitated."

In addition, I lead my clients through a guided meditation process on the phone, often many times a day. This puts me in the same consciousness as meditating for myself, so I consider that this is part of my meditative practice. I also hold my regular clients in consciousness three times a day, which is another aspect of my meditative practice.In working with others on establishing their meditative practice, I have become extremely open-minded about the various practices and approaches to meditation, including time of day. I encourage people to experiment to find their own ways. Beginners need to start at the easiest time, which might be in a car parked in the driveway or shopping center because that is the only time alone. Right after cool down after exercise is a time the body is very receptive to deep rest or meditation for some. Before or in place of a meal to allow the body to be nurtured before or instead of food can benefit many.

The next best time to meditate is in the evening. In the evening the atmosphere becomes a little more restful as we forget the troubles of the day. However if we meditate straight after finishing work then we may still have thoughts from the days activities going around in our mind. Before meditating it is good to take a shower and clear our mind of what has been going on during the day.

You may find that you have a best time of day when you are learning to meditate that is a different best time of day when you are an experienced meditator. When you are just learning to meditate, it is helpful to have optimal conditions -- a quiet place with no interruptions. After you have experienced some benefits of meditating, you will not need to create the ideal situation because you will be committed on a different level. Many people meditate on planes and trains or other noisy places.

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