Girls' Self Esteem

By Andrew I. Moore

Every girl has some insecurities, the man in her life can help build her self esteem by doing a few things which will surely leave her feeling sexy, here are a few l gathered,Look into her eyes before or after kissing and let her know how beautiful she is.Compliment her when she is dressed up.Express how much you like certain parts of her body and how you wish you could look at them or all day.Send her an sms to remind her how special she is to you.Remind her of some of the special things or words she would have done and express how much you like the way the way she thinks.Express how you like the way she does certain things to you physically or emotionally.

Openly show that you can't keep your hands off her.Buy her nice presents and express how you like seeing using the items.Praise her when her friends are there and express how much you love her.Read a poem to her or dedicate a song for her, if you can sing then it makes it even better.Have a date every week, dress well for her.When dining out, look at her like its your first date and tell her how much she is so beautiful to you all the time.Hold her hand across the table and tell her how much you adore her.

Do give in to Social Pressure - A very female specific issue in regards to self esteem is the massive social pressure that is placed on us in our culture. If you look at the TV, the news, movies, advertisements, magazines, there is a very similar pattern that is telling us that we must have a small butt and firm boobs or else we are unattractive. This whole social misunderstanding is so fundamentally wrong that I could write a whole book on it!

Start small - tackle one thing at a time. Don't try to do too much. Learn one technique and then use it for a while and also tackle one stressful situation at a time.Amanda Strang is a psychologist and psychotherapist working with parents and families all over world. Her interest is in what makes healthy, happy families and she has developed many training programmes for children, parents and carers to build skills to make successful family units.Self esteem can be a confusing thing for many people, and in my experience it is usually women and girls who have the most problems with it so ladies, this article is for you!

Keeping the tight rope walk of self esteem in mind, how can a teenage girl or teenage daughter keep one step ahead of the other to avoid tumbling to the ground below? Is there anything parents can do to aid in the process of self esteem building? I believe the answer to both of those questions is a resounding YES!As a matter of fact, if you are a teenage girl and are reading this article, ask your mom or some other trusted adult to help you as you build self esteem up. If you are the parent of a teenage daughter and you happen to be reading this article in search of information to improve self esteem on behalf of your daughter, you have come to the right place.

How absurd!I held onto a negative response to women for so long and didn't even realize because of my 'learned' responses in the past, every relationship I had up until that moment was ruined before it even began! This type of problem happens with both men and women. Whether abuse, shyness or fall-outs. If you are in a situation like this or if you ever run into this sort of problem, REALIZE, people are people just like you are and you cant judge a book by its cover. We are all born into this world and we'll all go out the same way! Just because the person you was with before treated you like dirt doesn't mean all men/women are the same.

Another mask could be the mask of the "class clown". This mask also does a really good job of sending the message that an individual is always joking around. Joking around and not being serious keeps others from learning what is really going on inside isn't very funny at all. Laughing at the jokes is a lot better than laughing at the person that hides behind the mask of the class clown. To keep from being perceived as a "joke" the mask wearer tells jokes to keep everyone laughing at those rather than her as a person.

There is also the "Pollyanna mask". These masks keep everyone on the other side in a constant state of desiring to be more like miss perfect as she is always so sweet and kind. Pollyanna never makes mistakes and everything always seems to be going just right with her. In all actuality, she is oftentimes the sickest of all of us. Underneath her mask, she is far from perfect and keeping the persona of being so perfect prevents her from forming real relationships. Nobody ever truly knows who Pollyanna-miss perfect really is, not even herself.

Don't blame somebody else for your problems and/or frustrations!Do something about them, accept them and work on them to make yourself better! Try to understand, connect to and enhance your experiences with people and yourself. Learn from your mistakes and have fun when meeting new people. Eventually you will begin to look at women/men and all different types of people in a respectful and humble way! Real connections will begin to emerge and better relationships will begin to form when you do so from now on.

Surround yourself with supportive people - A big step to developing self confidence and any self improvement in life is to surround yourself in a supportive environment, filled with people who will be always be willing to encourage you. This may be your family, friends, co-workers, etc. Find people who love you for you and will be there to help you up whenever you are down. Confidence and self esteem cannot grow from an unreceptive environment, so make sure yours is supportive. If they have the opposite affect, get out of there or limit your time spend there as overtime it will have a negative affect on your self confidence, and be a cause of your low self esteem symptoms.I hope these self esteem activities for girls have been helpful to you.

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