How Come Choosing Cleverly Means Buying The Best Self Tanner

By Haywood Hunter

In years past, before the best self tanner, getting that lovely tan and color meant sunbathing outside for hours or baking under the lights in a tanning bed. Then doctors began warning the public about the dangers of skin damage and even cancer from getting too much sun, causing people to seek out other ways of achieving a that color and glow. And so began the life of sunless tanning products, however, people soon began complaining that the products were not as amazing as the manufacturers said they were.

The first tanning products often left skin with an orange tint, spots of uneven color, and were very messy to apply. Time passed and the products drastically improved and many began to love the results and ease of use. Today, these are available in many forms, with one to suit nearly every preference.

They are found in many forms, including creams, towelettes, mousse, and gels. The type that is best depends largely on skin type, color, and mere preference. With the arrival of these products, people were not longer required to wait for summer to arrive to gain some color-and even better, damage to skin is minimized.

As an added something, many of them have sunscreen built into them, however, it is still recommended that additional SPF be added as there is not enough present in tanner for full protection. Such items are usually quick and painless to use as well as affordable for most brands. Another bonus is the rather short time to develop color-most work within a few hours if not instantly, making it possible to have a tan much faster than laying in the sun.

To ensure your tanning product works effectively and gives even color, it is very important that you thoroughly clean and exfoliate the skin to create the best surface for the tanning product. Skin which is dirty or has dry patches from not exfoliating will result in streaky and uneven color. It is best to exfoliate the skin about 4 hours prior to applying tanning product, which is why many clean and exfoliate in the morning then apply the tanning product in the evening.

Some consumers are worried about the chemicals contained in self tanning products. However, studies have shown that the ingredients in the products are safe and the governments approves of them as well. The bottom line is that nothing is worse for the skin than overexposure to the harmful rays of the sun, therefore, sunless tanning products are the next best thing to achieving that sought after color and glow.

Selecting the proper color to match a skin tone is likely the trickiest part of shopping for a self tanner. Luckily, they come in a huge variety of colors and strengths, making it easy for shoppers to find one that suits them the best, even for those with super pale skin can find a natural looking self tanner. People should note, that many department store counters offer samples of different products, which is great for those worried about finding the right formula or color.

In addition to body tanning products, there is also dedicated best self tanner for the face. These are usually lighter and much more subtle in their results, so as to maintain that natural look. Self tanning products are incredibly convenient and much healthier for the body than sunbathing will ever be.

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