How To Use Ultra Dark Tanning Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

If a person wants a tan but they are worried about the sun's damaging their skin, they do have other options. Using an ultra dark tanning lotion is one of these options. Rather than exposing yourself to harmful rays and risking the damage to the skin, you can use a product that colors the skin in an easy and more healthy way. More and more people are choosing this option in order to prevent damaging their skin.
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Exfoliate your skin. Doing this removes dead, dry, flaky skin. If you decide not to take the time to get rid of this skin, your tan will be blotchy and uneven. When you exfoliate, you give yourself a smooth foundation for adding color to your skin. This is not something that you want to skip.

Before you tan take a shower. Exfoliate your skin in the shower. This will help you to remove dead and dry skin. The result is a smoother foundation for your tan. If you do not do this, your skin will likely turn out blotchy instead of sexy, smooth and golden.

Whether or not any special prep work must be done beforehand is another query that is often asked. Leading up to the day that you tan, you will want to apply moisturizer to your body. Begin this about a week ahead of time. On the day that you plan to tan you should shower and exfoliate. Exfoliating removes dead and dry skin. This results in a smoother look once you are done. It is the way to avoid a blotchy looking finish.

Place you hair in a ponytail to keep it from getting color on it. Begin working from the bottom up. Start on your lower leg and work your way up to apply the product. Use smooth, even, long strokes. Take your time to ensure that you are covering your entire body.

Something else that those doing self tanners often ask is where to start. The best way to begin is to start on the lower legs and work your way up Make sure your strokes are long and even. Put the product on smoothly. Make sure you do not miss any spots.

Now that you know how to apply the product, the next most common question is are there any areas that you should not tan. There are two spots that you should avoid applying color to. One is the bottom of the feet and the other is your palms. Since you will likely be using your hands in the application process, be sure to thoroughly wash them as soon as you are finished.

One final question is how to keep your tan looking great after applying your ultra dark tanning lotion. There are a few things you should do. Use moisturizing lotion. Use addition applications. Reapplying two or three times per week will keep you looking tan all year long.

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