Introducing The Science Of Getting Rich

By Marinda Kleijweg

A proponent of the "New Thought" movement, influenced by the likes of Emerson, Hegel, and Plato, Wallace Wattles, unremarkable in all things but his dogged determination to succeed, published "The Science of Getting Rich" in 1910. Finally having found the way and illuminated the path for others to follow, he had likely fulfilled his life purpose, as he wrote "...for you can render to God and humanity no greater service than to make the most of yourself." Wallace departed this earth in 1911.
[The 11 forgotten laws]

"...for seven years I enjoyed teaching others how to start and operate their own full- or part-time home-based businesses and speaking to large groups of budding entrepreneurs around the US and, more recently, Canada. But when I discovered and put into practice Mr. Wattles' system, the results were simply astounding! My income shot waaay up..." Network Marketing and The Science of Getting Rich are a very powerful combination.Why The Science Of Getting Rich? Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" is probably the law of attraction book that first became more mainstream in terms of being used and referred to in the personal growth area. It is still very popular.

Wallace explains opportunity abounds and defines the specific steps to leverage the process leading to wealth; a process available to everyone. Attaining wealth, or achieving any objective in life, is not a matter of environment, or heredity, or privilege - in the final analysis achieving is the result of doing things in a certain way. So, if wealth is what you desire, wealth is within your reach - just do what it takes to get rich.All things in this reality inherently express more and fuller functioning. Nature is an inexhaustible storehouse of wellbeing working inexorably to advance life. Those moving with this tide sense the opportunities. The connection between the nature and purpose of reality and the individual operating within its depths is thought. Thought is the means to navigate experience. Harnessing thought produces tangible results.

In the preface Wallace himself says "The Book is pragmatical, not philosophical - a practice manual, not a treatise upon theories. It is intended for the men and women whose most pressing need is for money, who wish to get rich first, and philosophise afterward. It is for those who want results and who are willing to take the conclusions of science as a basis for action.The book may not be to everyone's taste but Wattles certainly does not apologise for that.The Practical Genius Course.Through the website there is an online course that expands on the principles taught in the book.That rather bland statement really does not do it justice. This is a quite wonderful course that you can take at your own pace, and pay what you want to for it.Yes this right. You decide the price!

The essential condition to achieving intentions is to believe with an unshakable faith that you create the reality you desire. You are the master of your destiny.With this faith ask largely then act. Action sets the conditions to receive. Give to everyone you encounter more than you take from them. Despite any outward appearances to the contrary maintain yourself in a constant state of thankfulness. In a state of deep and profound gratitude you enable unlimited supply to manifest in your reality. Do not judge or condemn, rather be grateful for all and in gratitude prosper.

The SGR program was created by Bob Proctor in collaboration with Michael Beckwith and Jack Canfield. The program that was launched in March 2007 aims to help people realize their dreams and get unfathomable success by applying the Law of Attraction in their daily lives. You can't really expect things to happen to you unless you actually imagine them happening. So, if you want to be rich and successful then you need to spend every moment of your life constructively imagining that you are moving towards your goal with each passing minute and things are actually happening your way.

The SRR program will give you a definite perspective on your life and touch every area of your life - mental, physical, and emotional! The program will help you understand how certain people manage to become rich despite being ignorant while many people who are diligent and hardworking remain behind in the race for money. The program tells you how you can make money in life by simply focusing on the Law of Attraction. In his opinion, there is a science of becoming rich and he discusses it through books, DVDs, ebooks, podcasts, CDs, and the like.

He believes that you cannot rest on creativity and hard work alone, as the power of thought can also lead to incredible results. With your will power, you can achieve practically anything in life. Positive thinking and actions are therefore a must to attain everlasting success in life. His philosophy of getting rich has helped many businesses create effective strategies and easily adjust to changing situations. His teachings have inspired people from all walks of life who have been able to take action to move their life in the right direction. His objective behind initiating this program is not only to help people gain financial freedom but also help them find success in all spheres of life.

To understand the underlying philosophy of the "Science of Getting Rich" you may read the writers he recommends.Although Wattles doesn't mention it, Wattles was a minister. He was Christian. He studied philosophy, as well as the Hindu religion. Wattles doesn't say that much of the universal human truth outlined in his book is in the Bible.What he does say is that you don't have to study philosophy or Hinduism and its influence on Western culture in order to understand what he is trying to say.

He has taken part in "The Secret seminars" that were conducted in the United States to promote the Law of Attraction and the secret of getting rich. He opined that the real message of the movie is not about getting things fast in life. It's all about bringing about a change internally in the way you think so that this change is manifested in your real life. Since prosperity and money also happen to be an important aspect of your life, you must use the universal law to stabilize it along with other structures in life such as mental and emotional health. Only through these changes, can you really make yourself a beneficial presence on this Earth.The teacher of the "secret" Dr Michael Beckwith, played a huge role in making the Law of Attraction a household term. His selfless service to mankind demonstrates his vision to create a world that is united on an ethical basis of humankind's spiritual and social development.

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