Procrastinating is a very common problem in our society today. It seems to be more of a problem especially in the workplace. There are many factors that play a part in procrastination and why humans do it.
Decide that are ready to end procrastination now The first and most important step to liberating yourself from this paralyzing condition may sound a bit obvious but it's a step you can't afford to miss out. You really do have to want to put an end to it right now.If you are only thinking it might be a good idea to STOP PROCRASTINATING some time in the future, then you may as well stop reading the rest of this article now. In short, the pain of not taking action must be greater than the pain of taking action. You need to be so dissatisfied with not getting ahead because of this that you are ready to do whatever it takes to change your situation right now.
So what exactly is procrastination? Procrastination is when a person literally avoids doing a task that they know they should be doing. It could be any task, from making a simple phone call to someone, or losing weight, to more important issues such as finishing a duty in the workplace that may cause you to lose your job if it isn't completed.Procrastination is a bad habit that usually has bad end results from doing it. If this sounds familiar, then it may be time for you to learn to stop procrastinating.
To be successful you have to deal with the underlying way in which procrastination works. You procrastinate because of the way you are wired biologically. Everything you do in life is driven by your desire to gain pleasure and avoid pain. You will also do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure. So if you link any pain with taking action, even in order to gain pleasure, your association with the pain will stop you from taking action and you will procrastinate.To stop procrastinating there's no point in focusing on the pleasure you will get from achieving your goal instead of the pain to get there because you already know your drive to avoid pain will always win. Rather you must compare the pain you link with taking action to the pain you will feel if you don't take action.
One of the most common reasons why people procrastinate is perfectionism. These people are so afraid of making a mistake that they avoid doing the task at all. Their way of thinking is that if they don't do it, they won't have to face any mistake that they have made.Fear is another reason why people procrastinate. If someone is put outside their comfort zone, they avoid it. An example of this would be asking someone to write a speech to give in front of a group of people.
Treatment is Necessary It is extremely difficult to change a pattern of procrastination without help. However, it is often the procrastinators who put off seeking help to stop the problem. Some procrastinators may delay seeking treatment because they do not want to examine the reasons why they procrastinate.
Another common reason why we procrastinate is out of anger. If someone is forced into doing something that they do not want to do, they rebel by avoiding the issue. This is so common during the teen years. The task is usually poorly done, if done at all.
Firstly don't give up and you won't if it's important enough to you. Analyze where your problem may lie. Are you sure you have committed to the actions above? Do you perhaps need more information than an article this length can provide?If you're sure you have done everything possible then just accept that you need to try something else and if that doesn't work, try something else and keep going till you find a way. We are all different and what works for one person may not work for another. Don't give up. Often the simplest of actions is difficult for us to implement which is why using a tool to assist us to interrupt our negative pattern can be useful.
Learn More About [How To Stop Procrastination]
Decide that are ready to end procrastination now The first and most important step to liberating yourself from this paralyzing condition may sound a bit obvious but it's a step you can't afford to miss out. You really do have to want to put an end to it right now.If you are only thinking it might be a good idea to STOP PROCRASTINATING some time in the future, then you may as well stop reading the rest of this article now. In short, the pain of not taking action must be greater than the pain of taking action. You need to be so dissatisfied with not getting ahead because of this that you are ready to do whatever it takes to change your situation right now.
So what exactly is procrastination? Procrastination is when a person literally avoids doing a task that they know they should be doing. It could be any task, from making a simple phone call to someone, or losing weight, to more important issues such as finishing a duty in the workplace that may cause you to lose your job if it isn't completed.Procrastination is a bad habit that usually has bad end results from doing it. If this sounds familiar, then it may be time for you to learn to stop procrastinating.
To be successful you have to deal with the underlying way in which procrastination works. You procrastinate because of the way you are wired biologically. Everything you do in life is driven by your desire to gain pleasure and avoid pain. You will also do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure. So if you link any pain with taking action, even in order to gain pleasure, your association with the pain will stop you from taking action and you will procrastinate.To stop procrastinating there's no point in focusing on the pleasure you will get from achieving your goal instead of the pain to get there because you already know your drive to avoid pain will always win. Rather you must compare the pain you link with taking action to the pain you will feel if you don't take action.
One of the most common reasons why people procrastinate is perfectionism. These people are so afraid of making a mistake that they avoid doing the task at all. Their way of thinking is that if they don't do it, they won't have to face any mistake that they have made.Fear is another reason why people procrastinate. If someone is put outside their comfort zone, they avoid it. An example of this would be asking someone to write a speech to give in front of a group of people.
Treatment is Necessary It is extremely difficult to change a pattern of procrastination without help. However, it is often the procrastinators who put off seeking help to stop the problem. Some procrastinators may delay seeking treatment because they do not want to examine the reasons why they procrastinate.
Another common reason why we procrastinate is out of anger. If someone is forced into doing something that they do not want to do, they rebel by avoiding the issue. This is so common during the teen years. The task is usually poorly done, if done at all.
Firstly don't give up and you won't if it's important enough to you. Analyze where your problem may lie. Are you sure you have committed to the actions above? Do you perhaps need more information than an article this length can provide?If you're sure you have done everything possible then just accept that you need to try something else and if that doesn't work, try something else and keep going till you find a way. We are all different and what works for one person may not work for another. Don't give up. Often the simplest of actions is difficult for us to implement which is why using a tool to assist us to interrupt our negative pattern can be useful.
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