Natural Remedies For Depression - Essential Oils And Thought Processes

By Michael D. Nolting

It's always best to look for the most gentle yet effective way to treat any disorder or disease. The fewer side effects, the better and we've all probably heard of enough stories of the volatile side effects that tend to result from prescription medications, especially those of anti-depressant medications. There are many natural remedies for depression and a number of self-help techniques that you can turn to. Depression is a disorder of your thoughts and if you keep focussed on that fact, you can overcome depression by taking back control of your mind.In writing, it does sound like an easy task to just change your thoughts to more uplifting and empowering things and leave all those negative and joy-stealing thoughts behind, but our mind is a mysterious thing. Our thoughts came from a variety of experiences and influences that we don't even realize, as well as being a result of the chemical make-up of our body. Not an easy thing to control, especially if you've spent most of your life not realizing that you can control your thoughts. The easy part is getting lost in thoughts and letting your mind control your feelings.
[Natural Remedies For Depression]

Since depression can be attributed to a chemical imbalance in the body, it is helpful to find some natural remedies that will alter your chemical processes to produce more serene, uplifting and calm thoughts. Essential oils are a gentle and effective way to treat a variety of your body's ailments. They can be used with a carrier oil for a massage, a few drops can be added to a bath or they can be used in a diffuser. There are quite a lot of impure essential oils being marketed today that may still have some aroma but will not have the potency to aid in the re-balancing of the body. Check your local health store as well as a variety of online sources to locate reputable essential oil manufacturers. Young Living Essential Oils is a quality manufacturer and has an excellent website with valuable information about essential oils and company practices. Some essential oils used for depression are lavender, bergamot, clary sage, orange and ylang-ylang.

Vitamins As Natural Remedies For Depression.Listed below are a few of the vitamin supplements that professionals have pointed out as natural remedies for depression symptoms:Vitamin B1 - Thiamine is a necessary nutrient which helps the brain to operate properly by working to transform glucose into energy. But if the intake of Vitamin B1 is not high enough, you may end up drained, anxious, cranky or even depressed.

Other possible signs of insufficient amounts of this vitamin can easily cause memory difficulties, insomnia and a decrease in appetite.Vitamin B3 - Niacin deficiency could bring on mental and physical slowness, anxiousness and agitation.Vitamin B5 - Pyridoxine facilitates your body in producing amino acids. These are a vital component of the building blocks of many hormones and proteins required by our systems to function. This nutrient when delivered to the body in the appropriate levels, performs a crucial role in the output of serotonin, dopamine and melatonin, all of which promote a contented and healthy mind. Its deficiency, unfortunately, leads to a weakened immune

Here are some of the general symptoms of depression. If you recognize any as part of your experience, then you may be experiencing some kind of depression: Are you sad throughout the day, nearly every day? Have you lost interest in or enjoyment of your favorite activities? Are you feeling worthless? Are you feeling inappropriate feelings of guilt? Are you experiencing thoughts of death or suicide? Do you have trouble making decisions? Are you experiencing fatigue or lack of energy? Are you sleeping too much or not enough? Have you lost your appetite and barely eat? Everything seems much more difficult to do.Do you have feelings of hopelessness? You can't seem to control negative thoughts, no matter how hard you try.You're much more irritable than usual, short-tempered or much less tolerant of others.You have thoughts that "life is not worth living".You have sudden crying moments for no apparent reason.You're worried and anxious all the time.No desire for physical contact from your mate

Kava.Natural treatments for depression are very advantageous but Kava is particularly beneficial. This is because Kava is a soothing plant that draws out feelings of happiness and satisfaction. But what makes Kava even more useful is that it doesn't have any side effects.Fish Oil.For depression help, fish oil can be very valuable. Fish oil is high in Omega 3 and apparently helps sustain a healthy brain. This can be an effective natural remedy for depression. By taking fish oil, it will improve your moods. This is one of the top natural treatments for depression. The magnificent thing about fish oil, as well, is that the side effects are positive. You can achieve healthy hair growth, great skin and nails. Nothing bad there!

Ginkgo.Ginkgo is one of the top five herbs consumed. That's pretty amazing. Ginkgo contains flavonoids and terpenoids which contribute to depression help. It has been said that ginkgo prevents the need for medication for people with mild depression. Also, ginkgo improves other depression treatments. Ginkgo is wonderful for natural treatments for depression.Zell Oxygen.When coping with depression, Zell Oxygen is a very useful natural remedy. It is rich in all B Vitamins as well as Vitamin A, D, E and K in addition to beta carotene and amino acids. This can really aid you with your depression.

Magnesium.Natural treatments for depression include magnesium. Magnesium deficiencies affect a person's mood in a big way and can trigger severe depression. Not good. Excessive stress levels can cause magnesium levels to go down so if you are stressed too, try learning some stress techniques and see if your magnesium levels go back up. This is not very difficult, but has a great effect on the final result.Natural Remedies for Depression.When it comes to depression self help and looking into natural remedies for depression, it's important to evaluate how bad your depression is or isn't. If you are suffering from severe depression and seems like no matter what you try, it does not work, I'd suggest consulting your doctor. If you are suffering from mild to medium depression, I'd suggest trying natural remedies for depression. However, if nothing comes about it after six weeks, I'd suggest going to see your doctor.

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