Tanning Spray Causes Darkening Of The Complexion Safely And Effectively

By Haywood Hunter

Both sunbathing and the use of salon equipment emitting UV radiation are dangerous. It's no wonder why tanning spray is favored by those who like to give their complexion a golden brown hue without putting the health at risk. This approach may be enjoyed in different ways. You may purchase a can or an airbrush kit. Many salons also offer this kind of service.

Tanning spray relies on a solution called dihydroxyacetone (DHA). This transparent organic chemical is extracted from plant sources like sugar cane. It is capable of browning dead skin cells, resulting in a fake tan. DHA in tanning spray requires 2 to 4 hours to provide an initial change in skin color. The resulting brown hue will intensify furthermore after 24 hours.

Luckily, there is no need to wait for hours just to enjoy skin with a sun-kissed glow. Tanning spray commonly has a golden brown tint which produces instant result. Take note that this is only temporary and can be removed easily when you step foot in the shower or perspire heavily. Don't worry because it's the DHA in tanning spray that gives a lasting effect.

The bronzed complexion provided by tanning spray may be enjoyed for 7-10 days. Just like the real thing, the dark shade will fade gradually so no one has to suspect that your lovely skin color is not real. Don't blame this inevitable consequence on DHA. This is actually caused by the natural replacement of the skin's topmost layer. If you want to delay this process and make the deep color stay longer, you may regularly apply moisturizing lotion or simply purchase a tan extender.

Tanning spray is available in aerosol can. It allows the DHA-containing substance to be administered in the form of a mist. Because of this, it's easier to attain an even coating and prevent the formation of unsightly color streaks. A lot of people prefer this particular solution than lotions or foams because it allows them to end up with a glowing complexion effortlessly.

Personal airbrush kits are also available. They are suited for those who take getting a tan indoors seriously. These devices are hooked up to containers with tanning spray solution. It's true that an airbrush does not come cheap. But in the long run, investing in one actually helps save cash most especially if you are planning on using tanning spray for months or years.

Many salons are offering tanning spray services to people who like to darken their skin color minus unnecessary UV light exposure. This approach allows you to sport the most realistic tan because a trained attendant will do the challenging task for you. Even though this is usually more expensive than simply ordering a can online, for many the price is well worth it.

Tanning spray lets you enjoy a realistic bronzed complexion without the risks. It doesn't matter if you prefer using a can or an airbrush kit, or visiting a salon to pay an expert to do it for you. All of these approaches do not let your skin be touched by UV light. Looking beautiful right now doesn't mean anything if tomorrow you have to battle skin cancer.

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