Motivational Quotes About Life To Help You Battle Life's Challenges

By Kay Rozenberg

Everyone wants lots of money, respect and fame in life. Each of us likes to achieve success and wish to get reward and recognition for our work. The problem is that it is not an easy to achieve all this but still lots of people have earned it. They think differently and live luxury lives. They buy what they wish for but it is also true that they have grown up from ground level. The only difference between successful and not successful people is, lack of motivation. Many of us fight and struggle to get to the top of the world but after sometime, we feel hopeless. Negative thoughts attack us and we fall down. So it is necessary to get motivation all the way. Short quotes about life are very good way make yourself inspired. It has got one line wise advice and that is enough for inspiring us for success.
[Quotes about Life]

I would life to share some short quotes about life to tell you how they teach us:- "Pleasure and action make the hours seem short." ~William Shakespeare Whatever you are doing, do it with heart and feel pleasure in that. You will realize that the time passes quickly. When you love your work and keep up your actions, you make your life more interesting and full of hopes.

"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." Dreams give us a vision to work on. A person without dreams is as good as animal. So the best in life comes when you watch big dreams with open eyes. Dreams keep us inspired. All the big achievers of world are big dreamer. They dream and work hard to convert them into reality."Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools."Nothing is impossible. Every task needs passion, positive energy and will power. Long time ago, nobody could have thought of airplane, but today it is truth. We can fly in air. So impossible is nothing. We have reached to moon. We all have all the powers of doing anything we wish for. We just need to wake up and motivate ourselves to realize our hidden qualities.

"Hope sustain life."This quote is very short but has got very great secret in it. Everything starts with a hope. Hope is life and without hope you cannot do anything. A new work, a new job or any business is based on hope for being successful.So never lose the hope in life and keep on doing your work with passion. Be perfect, learn from your mistakes and you will surely get your share of succeeds soon.

So do your best to achieve the best with motivational short quotes. Life is great teacher. Learn from it and be a real winner.As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. A man's thoughts are the most powerful force that direct his life. The circumstances that you go through may not influence your life as much as what you think about them. Some people might go through very trying periods in their lives and still come out smiling. Others might have a relatively superior life and still be down in the dumps in their spirit. What we think is more important than what we go through.

Cameron Jibril Thomaz was born on September 8, 1987. He is better known by his stage name Wiz Khalifa. He is a professional American rapper. In 2006, he released his first full-length album entitled Show and Prove. In 2007, he signed up to Warner Bros. Records where he released two mixed tapes. In 2009, he parted ways with Warner Bros. Records because of the delay of releasing his planned debut album from the label. In 2011, he released his first studio album entitled Rolling Papers. It debuted at the second spot of the illustrious Billboard 200 chart. The same year, he was nominated and won the Best New Artist at the BET Awards. The BET awards recognize Americans in music, acting, sports, and other fields of entertainment.

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Quotes about life have been one of the most influential guidance tools for leaders and Citizens of the world. The knowledge and wisdom passed through these quotes are truly great; and we must appreciate their greatness, because at times they are the one's who lead us towards the light when all seems lost. Not only that we can look at these quotes as a way of life; a lifestyle that follows the ideologies and philosophies of the most spiritual and brilliant minds in human history. If religion is Opium, then Quotes about life can be a guiding philosophy for a better future.

It reaches many people. Due to the practical lessons these self help quotes offer, they are applicable in the significant human experiences. In fact, you can use them as your guide to relate better to others as well as to yourself.Self help quotes talk. Since it relates to the significant human experiences, these self help quotes can talk to us by providing important reminders on how to deal with ourselves and to others. It also reminds us on how to deal with our work in relation to others. It is one of the fountains of inspiration. With the many problems we encounter day by day, these self help quotes help us to be calm and remind us of the better options that we can take. Thus, it lifts us up from the many problems we experience and encourages us to move on.It boosts self-esteem. Self help quotes can also be self-esteem help. With the many experiences that discourage us, self-esteem help quotes can help us to be reminded that we have to think always of the positive side of life and negate the failures of the past.

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