Should I Join The Army? Or Navy Or Coast Guard For That Matter?

By Aniek van Wordragen

Are you debating a career with the United States Armed Services? Do you have dreams of enlisting in the military to serve your country, travel the world, get money for college, or simply live a life of patriotic adventure? In this article I will give you some tips and advice regarding joining the US Armed Services.I often hear this comment from potential military recruits "I think I want to join the Army" (or Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard). Joining the military was one of the best decisions in my adult life and may very well be for you, however this is not a decision that you want to take lightly.While the military certainly offers a great deal of benefits, it also requires a serious commitment with rigorous work and personal sacrifices. Therefor, if this is something you are interested in doing, be sure to properly weigh your options prior to enlistment.
[Joining The Coast Guard]

A quick overview of what happens once you decide to join the military is perhaps the place to start. You will have to contact your recruiter, fill out a mountain of paperwork and undergo a background check. You will have to pass a variety of examinations including fitness, medical, vision, hearing, psychological, and academic.This process can take anywhere from a few short weeks or longer depending on what is involved in your individual situation. Once you pass and qualify you will receive a bootcamp or ship date.

There are a number of benefits to joining the Coast Guard. If you are considering signing up, contact your local Coast Guard recruitment office or visit their official website.n a world where you may feel that what you do has little impact on anyone else, becoming a soldier gives you a chance to make a difference. In order to make this important contribution, you must know the requirements to join the Army so you can prepare yourself for service. Your Army recruiter can tell you about opportunities in the service, but you must meet some basic requirements. Non-negotiable Requirements To Join The Army,The Army offers you opportunities for service and for career training, but you must come in with a high school diploma. Have a GED? The Army may accept you, but you won't get as far as soldiers with diplomas. If you have taken at least 15 credit hours after receiving your GED, you will be given full credit for the GED.To be useful in performing their duties, soldiers must be in good physical shape. You need to be in good health,have good physical condition, and pass a standard physical. You don't need perfect eyesight even to work in aviation, but your vision problems must be correctable by lenses, contacts, or laser surgery

Will YOU wind up in that situation? It depends.what job or line of work are you applying for? Are you looking for a field that requires weapons and combat skills? Or perhaps are you applying for a job that is just as important, but perhaps behind the scenes of war? The military offers many of these positions.AND YET you still cannot be certain. You can join the army with the purpose of a military police career, and find yourself on security duty on a US base, perhaps not far from your home town. Or perhaps you can join the coast guard as a yeoman (paperwork/office related) and find yourself in an office in the middle east working alongside a PS (military police-like) unit.

Has the patriotism of our military in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other places in the world made you interested in joining up? What does it take to be "Army Strong"and "Aim High" to "Fly-Fight-Win?" Ready to be part of "A Global Force For Good," or belong to "The Few, The Proud, The Marines"? Each branch of the service has its own specific requirements for becoming part of the enlisted corps or becoming an officer.

Before enlisting, you should know the requirements to join the Army to make sure you can meet them. In many cases, you can do what is necessary to enlist, such as losing weight, developing your physical strength, or continuing your education. Joining the Army offers many rewards,but you must meet the requirements to enjoy them.It is the day after Memorial Day and most people are returning to work. The parades and fireworks are done, the picnics eaten and the gardens planted. But, for me, the significance of the day still lingers.

If you set your sights on becoming an officer, you need a bachelor's degree. This might be in progress when you join up, but you must have your degree before you can be promoted to an O-3 or higher in any branch. The military is not an alternative to finishing your education.

In return for your commitment to serve, most branches of the military have options to help you pay for your education.Couch Potatoes Need Not Apply.If you have watched news footage of our military abroad, you are aware that service personnel work in tough conditions, maneuver difficult terrain, and have many physical demands put upon them. To join up, you must be "fit to fight." You'll need to be in good health, be physically fit, and be able to pass a standard entrance physical exam to meet military entrance requirements.

So, I do not know what it must be like to be the wife waiting for the husband to return and he never does. I am not mother who sends her son off to battle and prays nightly that he returns safely. As a daughter I have never struggled to understand where my Mom or Dad were and what a war really means.I can only empathize. And today, be grateful beyond words. I do not understand nor do I live in fear as those in war torn countries do. And the reason I don't and hopefully never will is because of all those people who serve our country. Their commitment and courage have protected me and my family through all the conflicts and ugliness.

There are approximately more than 1,426,000 personnel currently active in the military with additional more than 1,259,000 personnel in the seven reserves. Women cannot serve in the combat specialties but they are allowed to serve in non-combat specialties.Apart from the combat services, there are many other ground services such as logistics, transportation, administration, medical, engineering, accounting, public relations, and so on. Further, there is always a big demand of the aspirants to join any of these services. Many of the former defense personnel are now well settled in their life even after the retirement. Moreover, the benefits which they get even after their leaving the services are enough to attract anybody to join the military services. So, you can also apply to the services of your choice and serve the nation with proud and dignity.

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