Simple Methods To Live A More Positive And Optimistic Life

By Marina Babenko

You might already know that thinking positive and being optimistic is important for being happy and bringing good things into your life. For many of us, it's a daily struggle to be optimistic and believe that our dreams can come true. Feeling trapped or depressed about our life and circumstances can lead to depression, sadness and the thought that things will never change. Eliminating these negative thought patterns and trying to be optimistic is often very difficult but there are a few things that you can do to get moving in the right direction and become happier in the process.

Mornings are often the worst time for many of us. We wake up and we're confronted with another day of the same old thing. It could be a job that we loathe, a relationship that is sucking the life out of us or overwhelming debt that brings with it constant worry. You drag yourself out of bed and you're hit with the reality of the situation and your life.

While you might be tempted to just want to call it a day before it even begins, make your first thought one of kindness to yourself. Understand that this is a pattern and a habit. You wake up and you start to worry. Instead, make a conscious decision to not think about the problem or even try to come up with a solution first thing in the morning. Pretend that you're a little child with sleep still in your eyes. You're innocent and vulnerable. Don't insist that you come face to face with this so called reality and instead tell yourself that you love yourself and that you're not going to think about the problem until you're fully awake. This might not be until you've had a cup of coffee or a shower or you could even set a time limit on this. Tell yourself that you're not going to be ready to deal with all of this until 11:00 or until after lunch, if necessary.

Recognizing that you're thinking negatively or that you're focusing on a problem is another step in the right direction. Often we become so overwhelmed with worry that we are unable to see a solution to the problems that we are confronted with. This worry takes up a lot of energy and time that could be better used to focus on the solution once it arrives. A clear mind is more receptive to solutions while a mind full of worry is only focusing on the problem.

Seeing that you're worrying too much can often snap you out of this pattern and enable you to take action when the time is right. Fear is a part of our instinct that keeps us out of trouble but part of that fear instinct causes us to freeze in our tracks. This is the same thing that happens to a wild animal caught in the middle of a highway. Fear can be a powerful emotion that can help us to do amazing things but when it causes us to freeze or become overly worrisome then our life and our dreams will be found dead along the side of the road of life. Relieve yourself of that worry or debilitating fear by thinking off into the future. What will your life be like when you solve this problem? How will it feel to have all of your bills paid and up to date? Will you smile when you have the loving relationship that you want and need? How fast will you spring out of bed when your days are filled with doing some work that you love? Think of these things, close your eyes and experience these emotions whenever you're overcome with worry and fear.

Being tough on yourself when these negative emotions invade your serenity can be difficult at times. You might think that you spend more time trying to push back against these emotions than you do living in this happy, positive state but if you're persistent, eventually being positive in light of any circumstance will become a habit. Being happy and optimistic is healthier and more productive than being negative and pessimistic. Knowing this and acting upon this knowledge can help you to make the changes necessary in your life to bring your dreams to reality.

If you're not in the habit of doing so, try putting some time aside when you can be alone with your thoughts and dream about what you really want. Look at photos that motivate you and make you happy while giving yourself permission to dream. Visualization is a practice that successful people around the world have spoken of time and time again as something that came before anything great that they ever did. The most successful businessmen in the world thought about their success before they ever did a thing. The tallest skyscraper in the world was a thought in the designers head before the ground was ever broken. What makes you think that your life and your dreams are any different. Think about what you want, get a bearing on the direction that you need to go and give yourself permission to achieve that goal. You deserve to live a happy life and not one filled with fear and debilitating worry.

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