Understanding The Importance Of Personal Spiritual Growth

By Zoe Smith

I think most people want more out of life. It doesn't matter if you have a pretty good thing going for you already-there's always more that you can have in life. That's not a bad thing; it is simply how we were all created to be. We need to keep growing and moving forward otherwise we will be stagnant in the place we are. So how do we get more out of life? The more that we desire can be attained as we take care of our personal spiritual growth.

Right now you're probably scratching your head and asking what has personal development got to do with anybody's spiritual condition? If you want an amazing life, this is the secret.How else do you think ancient people (meaning people from earlier centuries not your grandparents) did so much astonishing accomplishments? There were no self-help programs before. What people used to empower them to turn the impossible to reality is by connecting with the greatest source of wealth-God Himself.

So what are the steps we can take to establish an effective spiritual personal development plan? Understand that you are specifically made for a purpose in the world. Your strengths, weaknesses, and specific characteristics point you to it. What are the things that resonate in your heart? What is it that makes you happiest? You need to take a mental inventory of what you know about yourself because it will show you why you are what God made you to be.

It is very important and practical to know your purpose. This will help you trim away whatever activities that may be good, but not necessarily the best in bringing out your fullest potential. As you begin to build your life towards your purpose, maintain a good attitude consistently. Mistakes and adverse circumstances inevitably come but too many people have let their misfortunes define them and keep them down. Learn from the experience and find the good in it, even in the smallest measure.

Also, a positive attitude is a powerful tool in attracting the good you desire. Any practitioner of an excellent personal development plan can attest to this. The thoughts you dwell on and the emotions you choose to feel are vibrations. These vibrations attach themselves to things that they are in harmony with. Think wealth and opportunities for wealth will come.

A great spiritual teacher once said, "It is better to give than to receive"-it is a truth not often practiced. Make a conscious effort to be generous with whatever is given to you-time, treasure or talent. You will find that not only will it be given back to you "pressed down, shaken together and running over", it will also give you deepest joy.

Gratitude connects you to the Source of all supply so endeavor to find things to be grateful for everyday. It is one of the most important things you can do for your personal spiritual growth. When you see life as a gift, it will be and you will begin to expect more blessings to come your way. Now you know the secret for an amazing life-it's time you live it out for yourself.

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