How To Be A Substance Abuse Counselor

By Eugenia Dickerson

Way back the old days, people are using dope or opium as their vices. Legally speaking, alcoholism is not a crime but abusive intake of alcohol is not normal. Today, people from various ages and sizes are abusing many drugs such as heroin and marijuana which is legal to some countries due to their capacity of curing people most especially barbiturates. Now, people who are very abusive needs a substance abuse counselor pasadena to help them rehabilitate themselves.

People like them are studying such problems to help people who became abusive and want to be treated. They are the one who will serve as guardians and guide especially in facing the effects of drug abuse withdrawal which is the hardest part for most of the addicts. You can see them in public rehabilitation houses but some of them are working as private counselors to most famous people.

You might now be thinking on how to be a counselor. The very first thing you need to do is to determine whether you really have the capability of being one. You have to look for personal assessment tests online line and take them honestly without any manipulation and alterations. If you cannot trust yourself not to cheat, then you may consult a psychologist for this test.

If you pass with the examination, you can now browse to the internet on how to do the process. Make sure to look for substance counselor certification and not the drugs only or the alcohol. Substance certification will be your hold to any abuse that involves intaking. You may call the comission for the requirements for thorough instructions.

You have to be sure that you cannot have the tendency to abuse any substance. An alcohol drinker could be an example, well it is okay to drink wine or vodka occasionally but you must be someone who can control yourself to stop if you think that you are taking too much. If you cannot do that, then better help yourself first.

Convince yourself not to do any crime for if you really want this, you must have a very clean criminal record. If you have done something before and it was recorded, even if you claim yourself as somebody who have already changed, the authorities will not consider it for papers is the very visible evidence and you might not be allowed to take the licensure exam because of this.

You have to finish college first before you can have the certification. To make an easy entrance for this path, you have to take a degree related to social works. This is because, their curriculum are made to meet the standards of licensure examination. Having a degree not related to it would give you a hard time to get a certification.

You may experience the internship while you are studying. But internship is just an introduction on what you are going to face in the real world and so you must fulfill a post graduate training in order to be a certified counselor.

It is not easy to be a substance abuse counselor pasadena you have to fulfill many encounters first. But if you think that your mission is lying here, then you must face them all. Because your strengths here will be you determination and patience.

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