Find Out The Different Catholic Evangelization Strategies

By Marissa Velazquez

Many churches are wishing to have the world know the love that Christ has for it. However, they do it using different ways. The good news about the death and resurrection of the Christ is what makes most church members become voluntary missionaries. With the approach of the second coming of Christ, most churches are preparing to have the world in good relationship with their creator. This is why catholic evangelization is on the top gear in many states across the globe.

They use different method to reach the non-Catholics and convert them into their belief and religion. One of the ways they use is by building schools. Students who attend these schools find it easy to identify with their ways of spirituality and eventually embrace their religion. Many people have become followers of this church while in these schools. They make the school the base of enlightening them on the proceedings of the religion.

They also evangelize by helping those in need. You can hardly lack needy people in any state across the globe. With such kind or charity work, it is easier for the community members to embrace them and give their messages attention. They volunteer their clothes, shoes, foods, and build them shelters as a way of emulating the merciful acts of Christ. With this form of evangelism, the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized easily identify with them.

Another powerful tool they use to pass on the good news is being examples in the good deeds of Christ. The church members are keen to ensure that they follow the commandments to the letter and before they ask others to follow suit. The church is keen to encourage its members to shun ways form all sorts of evil and become good ambassadors of Christ on earth. When other people observe their good deeds, they admire their ways of life.

It would not be possible to evangelize without having the right tools such as the bibles. What the members and the leaders of the church do is to produce many bibles and give them out to their targeted groups. Most people who do not go to church may not find it profitable to use their money to buy bibles. However, it is important for their spiritual enrichment and for strengthening their faith.

Prayer changes things, as most members of this church would explain. The spiritual leaders of this community are keen to emphasize on the benefits of prayers even before the evangelism begins. They argue that Christ would first pray before meeting with the members of the public and preach to them. This is significant in making the heavens intervene before delivering the message.

The good thing with catholic members is that they do not only preach themselves, but they also fund and boost the missioners who devote their lives to missionary work. They provide them with vehicles and food to help them even as they go to interior places of other countries. This way, they are able to reach out many people within a short time and complete their mission.

Finally, another catholic evangelization strategy is by building numerous churches in almost every village. Most people struggle to find the best churches for them in the town centers and other big cities. However, by building many churches at reachable distances, they are able to attract many people.

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