Importance Of Holding Prayers For Humanity

By Marissa Velazquez

It is the duty of every human being to revere his or creator. Apart from reading the word of God, praising, and worshiping the lord, it is important for Christians to pray without ceasing. Prayers, help strength your faith in God. This is because; it is through prayer that you exercise your faith. You know there is a father in heaven who you can talk to, to ensure that your needs are met. Again, prayers for humanity help us remember other people who are going through different challenges in their lives.

Sometimes, you may have some issues laying heavily in you. Instead of keeping such things to you, consider telling a friend who sticks closer than a brother. The benefit of pouring your heart to God, rather than tell another person, is that God will receive you with love. You may tell a friend sensitive things about you, but end up disappointing you by making your secrets known to other people.

Some people put their trust in other people. However, the word records that cursed s the man who puts his trust in men. In most cases, people have challenges in their life as well. As a result, instead of letting them know your challenges let the father in heaven be your rescue. He is never bored of listening to your prayers.

As a Christians, you should not keep your pain to yourself. This is because; you have a friend you can pour your pain to. When you are divorced, deserted, or lost your loved one, you may lack peace to cope with life. However, praying can help you regain your strength. This is God helps in renewing the faith of Christians.

Christians are filled with guilt whenever they sin. Sometimes, Christian commits sins that seem unforgivable in the eyes of human being. However, God is loving and ready to receive any person who has sinned against God. Even though your sins are as red as a scarlet, God will make them as white as snow. You simply need to pray for forgiveness.

Gods house is not empty. Actually, there are different things that he has kept for his children. As a result, you should not be worried buy lack of food, clothes, and even sickness. This is because; the heavenly father can provide all these things to you. You will simply need to pray and belie in him.

You may have prayed for a long time without a reply. In most cases, if your faith is shaky you may lack the strength to continue. However, do not give up on prayers. God comes at the most appropriate time. He is never late. You need to look for other believers who you can join you in prayer, as this will make you strong again.

You cannot claim to be a firm Christian yet you do not pray. This is because; without prayers, the devil will make it difficult for you to avoid temptations. However, being keen on prayers for humanity will make you strong. You will also be able to pray for other people who are not able to pray for themselves.

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