Increase Your Psychic Ability With The Pendulum

By Olivia Rostigus

Don't let the title turn you off. I am actually referring to the major psychic center in our body. There are seven grades of psychic energy. Usually the lower grades, the ones closer to physical energy, are the first to be tapped and drawn on for our individual purposes. The more we use our Chakras and their energy the stronger they become. At that point this always increasing efficiency continues to increase in power and make it available for our use.

Now enters a huge problem. Thought creates energy sometimes referred to as psychic energy. Period. Now that we have all this psychic energy what should we do with it? Nature is the fulcrum which maintains balance in our world. At this point converting our low-grade energy to high-grade energy we are now attempting to become more balanced.

To get back into physical and mental balance is the key to balancing the light that comes from within. In order to do this, one must pay attention to that area of the body or mind that is lacking. If you are depressed, your heart area may need some loving kindness. In this case, spending time each day doing something that makes you feel good is giving this area exercise in feeling good again and healing begins to take place.

You will often hear talk about professionals being drained of energy after doing psychic readings. In order to balance this marvelous energy we have acquired, we need to use it. If psychics get drained of energy, they need to refill their energy wells by meditating, resting or doing something that makes them exhilarated. They increase their psychic ability by refilling it in nature.

Whether you do psychic readings or visiting people with negative energy which comes your way, getting back to a balanced state can actually be enjoyable and sometimes even fun. While the following exercise may not interest you, once you get some ideas of your own, follow them back to balance.

1. Learning how to use a pendulum isn't hard and takes a couple minutes to put one together. All you really need is a fairly heavy object that has a little weight to it. Things like rings or crystals work well, but small stone will do the trick. Tie your object to a fishing line or even a piece of thread roughly a foot long.

2. Put your elbow (bend the arm, for you with a scientific bent) on a desk or table. Suspend the pendulum over the surface. Let the pendulum swing until it stops completely. Once it is perfectly still (my fellow physicists will know perfect stillness is not possible), say verbally or mentally; "SWING"! Use a tone of voice as though you are teaching a puppy to "HEEL!"

3. Another way you can do your own readings is to fill a glass, cup or bowl with water and ask it to move when asked questions. When it moves, you will know that the psychic energy you are working with is succeeding.

4. Use a smooth pencil and command it to ROLL to you like you would teach a puppy to roll over. Again, practice, practice.

These four exercises will get you up and running faster than you can believe. Practice these exercises daily for a month. I suggest you do these four easy exercises alone at your dining table or desk. Do not have the radio, TV, or CD's playing. Any outside noise will greatly inhibit your growth.

Sticking to this protocol on a regular basis will draw in and develop your psychic energy and ability. It can be likened to going to the gym on a schedule each day - the more you go, the better shape you get in over time. Just realize that this type of inner work takes time and the more time you spend on yourself, the stronger your power becomes.

If you have ever taken ballet or learned how to play an instrument, you know that you will have some good days, some bad and then a breakthrough. This is when you notice that it not only becomes easier but that you are actually getting mentally more fit. Make it a habit and you won't be disappointed at the results of your increase in psychic energy and your ability to put it to use.

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