The Use Of Cause Marketing To Boost Employee Commitment

By Sebastian Troup

Attracting customers to the company's products is always the big goal and many companies use cause marketing as a strategy for this. If given the opportunity, customers will buy products with social and environmental benefits, and this is data resulting from one corporate social responsibility study indicated that 92 percent of respondents agreed with this fact. It also has been found that more than 80 percent of global customers will tell their friends and other relations about the CSR efforts of the company.

The results are data favoring the establishment of strategic corporate giving program and the use of cause marketing for this program to be brought to your customers. However, it's not just the customers that are affected by these types of efforts.

According to a study from Rutgers University, 53 percent of workers and 72 percent of students say a job where they can make an impact is very important or essential to their happiness, with the students ranking it third in overall importance and only 1% behind marriage. Taleo Research shows that increasing the engagement level in a 10,000-person organization by 5% can boost profits by an estimated $40+ million.

Improving the engagement of your workers at every level of your organization should be one of the goals of the cause marketing campaign from its inception. This is done by discussing the business strategy and the range of potential causes that will come with this strategy, and from there, produce a decision making framework where everybody can participate and also support.

It's impossible to settle on the perfect philanthropic solution that every employee can comfortably participate in. Get creative during the planning process and determine a few different giving options the company can offer in support of a cause.

A creative option can be donating a percentage of company profits to a local homeless shelter that the company supports, and this can be a good example. Automatic deduction donations made by employees through payroll deductions can provide an easy way to give. Two employees spending half of their day at work working at the shelter each week can also be arranged by the company.

In addition, why not plan a fun run for your cause? This could be a 5K event that your company sponsors to raise money for the shelter in question. Many shelters hold an annual event to raise money for their organization, so you might donate gift cards or actual products for a silent auction or as prizes. You also can reward employees that donate time outside of work by providing prizes for these employees.

An employee can get committed when he is empowered. He may also want to share the cause he is into, and this is only natural. There is the natural desire to share experiences and this is through the social networks, of which it is more popular than ever before. Encouraging employees to share information about the company's cause marketing activities can be done, using outlets such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Lead by example by giving the cause marketing campaign heavy exposure on the corporate social channels, including offering specific employee recognitions that they'll be thrilled to share through their own networks.

While employee engagement can be improved quickly and can yield nearly immediate results, it can disappear just as fast. Make sure that your cause marketing and employee engagement plans aren't just a passing fad.

The goal is a long-term investment in a charitable cause and the engagement of employees for a long time, as well. Employees that are engaged in long-term charitable programs tend to be more satisfied with their jobs and continue to work on improving productivity and this enthusiasm can be contagious, fostering a more collaborative team atmosphere at all levels of your company and this type of camaraderie also is quite attractive for new hires.

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