People Wonder About Weird National Holidays

By Jerri Perry

Every person in Georgia knows that Confederate's Day is one of the weird national holidays. Some people do not care what this date stands for since they just want to take a day off with pay. There are many other strange dates floating around the world that people do not know about. Hug A GI Day, Friendship Day, Hug A Newsman Day, Clean Up Your Room Day, Lazy Day and Tell A Lie Day all make this unusual list.

Once Christmas has ended and all of the gifts have been unwrapped people must find a way to get rid of the fruitcake. This is one dessert that does not please everyone since it has so many ingredients within it. On January 3rd every proud family living within the United States will take this sweet chunky object to their backyard. They will throw this item around for hours as if it were a football. Fruitcake Toss Day is one special event that everyone loves.

National Trivia Day gives many people the chance to show off their knowledge about different events in this world. It is almost as if people were playing the game show "Jeopardy" on this day. Individuals can be sure that January 4th will turn into one fun date that celebrates the true geniuses of this world.

Construction workers, firemen, military men and policemen should all be very careful on January 8th. This is one date that all gay men and straight women really love. They can practically throw themselves at hunky men that are wearing uniforms or tight shirts. Each person admiring these gorgeous men are allowed to act really crazy during this event. It is all in fun and even the marriage proposals given by the women are phony.

Everyone will be able to find a true friend on Friendship Day. The most quiet person on Earth will find the courage to talk to complete strangers during this time. Sometimes the friendships will last for a long time if everyone involved is sincere.

It is amazing how everyone acts so "human" during this time in August. Even the older people will receive gifts from their younger associates. Every person is truly filled with love on Friendship Day.

Military people really love it when someone gives them a good hug. These people are always putting their lives in danger for their fellow man. On March 4th individuals will take the time to shower them with gifts and acts of deep affection. Unfortunately not everyone is able to give them the kind of respect that they deserve and this is very sad. During the Vietnam War people would often spit on them when they returned to America. Hug A GI Day is one day that should happen in all parts of this world.

One of the most weird national holidays is Tell A Lie Day. Every person around really enjoys this date since it will allow them to say anything that is on their mind. Someone who is very creative may want to take this time to enter one of the contests that is held on this date. In reality every human being really loves this particular day.

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