Knowing About Weird National Holidays

By Anita Ortega

There are so many people in the world who like to celebrate things that are different from anyone else. Everyone around knows that weird national holidays truly exist and they have been around for quite some time. People who are living in the United States really love to take the time to spotlight all of these occasions.

Southerners like to celebrate Confederate Memorial Day each and every year. They know that this is one date that they can actually brag about their ancestors who were involved in the Civil War. This special date is recognized on a variety of days during the year.

It is a well known fact that Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, North Carolina, Louisiana, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Arkansas, Texas and Alabama all celebrate Confederate Day. This is one day that they can always rub the confederate flag in anyone's face who has a different opinion.

Black people do not feel the same way about this holiday. Confederate Day reminds them about all of the bad things which occurred a very long time ago. People of color know that white Americans living within the south wanted to keep slavery alive and well. Some southern Caucasian individuals still hold on to this belief since they consider blacks to be very inferior to them.

Unfortunately so many Caucasian humans within the United States are not interested in the feelings that other people display. If you are different from them in any way at all they do not respect your thoughts. Despite any negativity all agencies under the state will close their business for one day.

Many blacks have even protested this day on many occasions but their efforts were futile. The government ignored their requests to end this Civil War catastrophe since it was already promised to certain individuals. Nowadays all state workers just enjoy having this time off and forget about the negative history surrounding the day.

February is one cold month that will bring ice and snow storms to everyone living in America. This month will also bring a strange date that happens on the 13th. For one day everyone who is living in society will get the opportunity to change their name. People who have odd names such as Jaquan or Latoria can ditch these identities for another. Unfortunately there are some black people living in American cities who wish to honor their African heritage in the strangest way. They will name their children all types of funny names that are very hard to understand or pronounce. This date will help these children to just have simple names that are more acceptable within society.

Every person who has a middle child should remember the date of August 12th. This is one time that they can honor their second youngster who has brought so much joy and happiness into their lives. The Middle Child Day will help these individuals gain notoriety from everyone.

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