Using Self Hypnosis Weightloss As A Relaxing Way To Beat The Battle Of The Bulge

By Michael Corrano

Men and Women too numerous to mention, all over the globe, have attempted to shed their excess weight. While following their different eating plans they usually feel as if they are punishing themselves to some degree. Self Hypnosis Weightloss is becoming well known as a positive way to make the subconscious work together with the person's conscious efforts at fat reduction.

At the start of the procedure, the candidate should begin by making a list of straight forward, positive instructions to convey to their sub-conscious mind. This list will be kept for use only when the correct mental state has been achieved to maximize the resolve to lose excessive body mass.

The first challenge is to make a conscious effort to drain any stress from the muscles of the entire body by targeting one end of the body and ending at the other. To accomplish this, the individual intending to become hypnotized should find a place free from distractions that is also very comfortable. The feeling of relaxation may come more easily if special music for this purpose, available from online stores, is played.

Once the body has become completely relaxed, it may feel heavier or even lighter than it usually does. To reach this condition the person should take deep breaths and speak to themselves quietly with calming, positive statements. By the end of this activity they should have achieved a state of partial hypnosis.

To take them deeper into their unconscious mind, a step-wise process can be followed, similar to stepping down ten stairs. With each step, the candidate focuses on increasing their level of relaxation and calm. When taking the final step they should visualize themselves at a door, ready to pass through.

The door leads the participant from the conscious to the unconscious mental state, and they pass through to a virtual area that feels completely safe to them. This space is the same one that will be re-visited on every occasion that they wish to bring about modifications to their habits or beliefs. It is perfectly and uniquely suited to that particular individual.

Once men and women have entered this final zone, the list made prior to the activity is ready for use. The aim of these suggestions is to re-program the subconscious thought processes. This part of the brain responds to positive ideas and embraces them as the truth. For this reason using this psychological technique will be highly effective at changing a mindset to think of one's self as slim and healthy.

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