3 Simple Steps For Corporate Social Responsibility

By Sebastian Troup

Setting up a new corporate social responsibility program is not easy and also can become a bit overwhelming. There are simple steps that can be done however, and these are based on best practices and those that have worked previously with other companies, and these are the process steps to be done when broken down.

It is a good idea to break down the hard task of corporate social responsibility into sections or parts that are easily manageable. This helps you set goals, maintain the program and measure its success.

Step 1: Conceive and Initiate

A corporate social responsibility program is never one-size-fits-all. While crafting a program, it is important to keep the Three Pillars of Sustainability in the forefront: People, Planet and Profit. Create opportunities and multiple ways for employees and other stakeholders to engage with the program. Incorporate opportunities across a wide spectrum of engagement that include volunteer days, traditional giving, recycling events, peer to peer fundraising, and disaster assistance.

It is also better to take the CSR program a step ahead by including "cause marketing" into the program. Include company products in this program and have this as a good opportunity to start commitments in the supply chains and production processes. Think of where and how to make possible for your company to make it a socially responsible and environmentally supportive investment and how to have your employees and others in management get involved in the investment.

Step 2: Commitment & Executing The Program

Prove the program's value in relation to the three bottom line results of the company, and this should be done after the idea and details of the CSR program are already set. The program's over-all result should be determined, and this needs thorough assessment and also measurement. Your company's business result should be connected to the social responsibility program.

Company sales, customer satisfaction, as well as employee and brand loyalty, including market access, should be assessed and this will determine how the cause driven program had effects on the company. How the program has affected company reputation and profitability have to be determined and you have to prove that this is in a positive way. The program has effects and these can be related to economic, social, and environmental factors, and these should be followed, measured and also communicated.

Step 3: Communicate and Inspire

For any corporate program to succeed, the program needs endorsement and acceptance from the top management. A corporate social responsibility program is no different. Communicating the impact and successes of your program to the top levels of your organization is critical. Communicate frequently about the program's progress and accomplishments, and also be sure to convey the program's impact to the company's triple bottom line.

Persuade management to inspire the employees and others involved to make the cause a priority, and also inspire employees to participate and get everybody involved in the program. Follow and share the results of the program and also its effect on the employees, the customers, community members, and also beneficiaries of the program, to put up recognition of this, build loyalty and also momentum. This program's success can be about inspiration as well as everybody's participation.

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