About The Famous Catholic Renewal

By Tracie Knight

The catholic church has undergone many changes over the past few years in order to adapt to modernism and the current mindset of people. One of the most drastic of these changes would be none other than the Catholic Renewal which happened sometime during the twentieth century. For those who are interested in this period of history, here is some information about it.

Now before the whole church was revamped and transformed into the entity it is today, it went through three major changes during the twentieth century. Now the three changes that happened before the twentieth century ended was the translation of the Word, the modification of liturgy, and of course the new defining of faith in the lives of the worshippers. It was because of these three changes that the Vatican was able to adapt to its followers.

Now the very first stage was the translation of the Bible from Latin to contemporary languages. Before the transformation, the Bible always made use of Vulgate which is a fourth century translation of the Bible in the Latin language. During this time, the church revamped the whole Bible and translated it into languages that everyone could actually understand.

Now the one who initiated this command was none other than Pope Pius XII. In order to translate the entire Bible, they had to go over the texts many times and tried to directly translate it from Latin words so that the original message is still there. From there, they were able to make many translations that could be read by the people today.

Of course the next change that they made was about the liturgy because they wanted to enter the world of modernism. Now if one does not know what a liturgy is, it is the public service that worshippers would attend in order to worship God and know more about the Bible. Now the main thing that they did was that they made it a little bit less formal and changed the name to Mass.

Now as stated above, this was implemented by the Second Vatican Council. Now for those who do not know, the one who created the Second Council was Pope John XXIII and the one who ended it was Pope Paul VI. Now this was done so that the modernized followers would also be able to relate to the worship services.

Now the very last one is the third one and is still going on until today. Now if one would remember that during the older times, the church would be very strict with their formal practices. Of course nowadays, they now have a more personal definition of faith.

Now as one can see, the Vatican really made a lot of changes in their practices so that it would really fit into the modern times. Of course the church is still trying to make itself better for the worshippers and also the people who would want to follow the Word of God. It is for this reason that the renewal had to be done so that the Church could also adapt along with times.

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