Clementine Comes Of Age In Season Two Of The Walking Dead Telltale Game

By Mickey Jhonny

No more waiting! It's arrived. All the navel gazing style dissection of the trailer no longer has to suffice to feed our appetite. The Walking Dead Telltale game, season 2, episode one, is here. And all is good in game land, for it is, like, awesome and stuff.

The Walking Dead franchise has been a major boon for the creative explorations of the interactive fan base crowd. Elsewhere on this site, we've looked at the booming role of the Walking Dead fanfiction . The Telltale game provides another, more structured, but still interactive experience with the world that Robert Kirkman created.

Fans of season one will certainly remember Clementine. She was kind of the object of the first season. The subject, if you will, the acting protagonist, Lee, was largely driven by his desire to protect her. However, as such fans will know, Lee is gone, and now Clementine has to fend for herself. Thus she has graduated to protagonist of season two. When we meet back up with her in season two, we already see how she has had to grow up, forced to make the hard decisions to survive the zombie apocalypse.

The almost universally celebrated game, in its second season, continues breathing new life into the adventure game genre, once left for dead by many a gaming aficionado. Its strength of the past carries through into the present, skirting the danger of lapsing into mere puzzle solving. Instead, the emphasis on dynamic and interactive story telling remains its forte. And these aren't empty choices.

The results of character's choices resonate throughout the game. They lead to practical and often unexpected consequences. Not only do those consequences reverberate from episode to episode, but it appears choices from last season may yet affect options in this new season.

As happy as I am with this continued emphasis on the interactive dynamic, not everything is the same. Mostly, though the changes are improvements. This is particularly notable on the technical side of things. The graphics are greatly improved: richer and more detailed. The frame rate too is better. Clementine walks more quickly than we saw in season one. When you're gripped in suspense at the prospect of a walker attack, that's a great add.

My one complaint isn't a huge thing, but it does annoy me a little. And it is worth mentioning considering how much of the game's cache and value arises from its interactivity. The dialogue choices frequently struck me as excessively bi-polar. It seems I have to play Clementine as either a waif or a badass. She's either batting her eyes or spoiling for a throw-down. I think these options are too limited and don't get the most out of the story. I'll be watching that development going forward.

On the other hand, there is something intriguing to this dynamic, too. Playing a young girl, it turns out, allows for some unexpected options. This is quite different than playing Lee. Clementine doesn't hesitate to take advantage of her youthful, feminine coquettishness. This adds an intriguing dimension - particularly for those of us who haven't any experience actually being young girls!

I am happy to report, though, that Telltale's greatest strength is still well on display in season one of The Walking Dead. I'm referring here to the moral ambiguity and dilemmas the player must navigate in finding the protagonist's way in the game world. For instance, are you prepared to make Clementine a killer right from the beginning?

Often to their own surprise and even lament, a lot of early players have done just that. What will be the long term consequences of this choice? We anxiously await what future episodes will reveal. This kind of moral turmoil is the real secret of success for the Walking Dead Telltale games, I believe. So far, in season two, all is looking bright for the future. Well, as long as you're not, you know, caught up in a zombie apocalypse, and the like.

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