Self Hypnosis For Weight Loss

By Minnie Whitley

A lot of people have sworn that self hypnosis is able to help people overcome bad habits like smoking, taking drugs, drinking too much and other things. Now one of the bad habits that this kind of thing would really be able to help people with would be overeating and not exercising. Of course over the years, self hypnosis for weight loss has become a very big thing because it seems to be able to help people gain the right mindset for losing weight.

Now if one is interested in trying out this kind of thing, then he would have to be familiar with meditation because self hypnosis is very similar to meditation. When one would start, the very first thing that he would have to do would be to find a very quiet place where there is no people or noise. When he has found that spot already, then he just has to sit down, close his eyes, and relax.

Now if one has a hard time relaxing, one thing that he can do would be to listen to some music from his mp3 player or his Ipod. Now he will be able to find some really good and relaxing music in the internet for free. It is recommended that one would download instrumental music as it will not give the brain any work to do.

When he is already relaxed, then the very next thing that he should do would be to concentrate on breathing. Now while meditating, he has to make sure that he breathes in and out slowly. The best way to do this would be to inhale slowly through the nose while expanding the diaphragm and then exhale through the mouth while contracting the stomach.

After that is already done, he will now find himself in a somewhat meditative trance where he may now talk to his subconscious. In this part, he has to first visualize that there is a door in front of him that would lead to his subconscious self. Now he should imagine himself opening up this door very slowly and there being a bright light inside.

He should then imagine his subconscious to be a black and white version of himself because the subconscious only perceives things in a black and white manner. From there, he should start talking to his subconscious. He should tell his subconscious positive statements about losing weight.

One thing to take note here is that he should be extremely detailed when it comes to the reinforcements. Now if he would want to have a better diet, he should specify what types of foods he will eat and how many times per week. He should do the same thing about changing his lifestyle and integrating some exercises.

When he is finished with that, he should now finish his session already. He can do this by just counting from one to five or five to one slowly then waking up from his meditative state. Now when he wakes up, he will be feeling very refreshed and will have a more positive attitude to burning off those unwanted pounds.

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