The Type Of Porta Potty Edmonton Offers

By Marci Glover

On construction sites, throughout the province, workers and others visiting must be able to deal with their personal hygiene needs. This means they need to be able to visit a restroom on occasion. A porta potty Edmonton construction owners and general managers need can be rented for this purpose.

The history of the modern portable potty is rooted in the outhouses used many, many years ago. The idea that waste can be dropped into a container for later processing met a need before plumbing was invented. The changing of this from a hole in the ground to a containerized unit naturally flowed from that idea.

The modern equivalent of this is a plastic or fiberglass structure that resembles a closet. It has a raised bench with a toilet seat attached over a hole. It will also have a toilet paper dispenser and some of them will provide hand sanitizer and paper towels in the absence of running water. Some will offer a mirror and others will have the equivalent of a urinal for male users.

What makes the whole system work is the chemical that is injected into the receiving tank. It helps to break the solid waste down into a liquid form and makes a pleasant smell permeate the unit. This is the same compound that is used in the septic tanks, cesspools and sewers to perform the same tasks.

There are other units that are a bit larger than the closet sized units and they are also available from most companies offering the smaller ones. These will have a tank of fresh water connected to a faucet for a more hygienic experience for all. They are a bit more expensive than their smaller cousins, however, they can provide for a larger number of people and the convenience of the sink is also helpful in many areas.

Construction sites are not the only place for these. It is true that most public health jurisdictions require a certain number of these for any personnel being in the area for a stated period of time. Certain public events must also follow these guidelines. That means open markets, concerts and other public accommodations must be in compliance as well.

Checking with business associates and friends who may have used these services will help you in locating the best company for these units. There are specific guidelines as to how many units should be located in order to provide service to the number of people you are expecting. The company can calculate this for you and will also provide cleaning and pump out on a regular basis.

The construction site has many people coming and going at all hours of the day. The need for an attractive, well constructed place for hygiene purposes is absolutely necessary. Just the ability to sit down for a few minutes will help many personnel working on the site. Making this available to your employees, contractors and their sub contractors will only help facilitate good relations.

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