An Overview Of Personal Conflict Mitigation And Resolution

By Linda Ruiz

Personal conflicts arise in many forms. Some are more serious than others. Conflicts will arise from the long term choices you make and also the direct decisions you make daily. Solving them will mostly depend on your integrity and character too. Personal conflict mitigation and resolution is of great significance to your well-being.

It is important to know the various sources of conflicts before establishing ways of dealing with them. The first one is in choosing whether to take responsibility. You must decide whether you will take a blamed which means that you shall suffer the consequences which come with the blame. You can also have problems with ethics. Vengeance can another source. You could have difficulties in trying to reconnect with a person who offended you.

Making big decisions that might change the life of person is another source. Also, person can get conflicts by choosing not to take part in a group activity which is not morally right. This is because the person will be destructed for not joining. It is crucial for an individual to know how to handle and alleviate personal conflict. This is because it can lead to health problems if not managed properly.

You are advised to write down your feelings always. Do it in a journal and keep it safe where no one else will access it. If you get a conflict, create your own time. You should look for time to meditate and do what you love best. You can for example walk into a quiet place and play your best music.

It is important to train to respond to situations and other people rather than react. Its essence is to avoid arguments. Its also not good try to win arguments all the time. It helps when someone gives in some times as well as to listen and allow others to fully express themselves. One should avoid drawing to much attention to himself or herself by not talking too much about himself. Managing emotional responses is also important. Where need be, one can seek counseling for emotional outlet.

We should understand our personal conflict style as it will help us in the improvement of the ways we use to solve difficult situations. The styles refer to how we behave when we are faced with challenging situations. Competition is such one style. This is for some of us who are aggressive and defensive when conflict arises. It helps when quick decisions require to be made.

Another one is collaboration. Here, you bring people together in search for a solution. You make everyone feel a winner by letting their views count. You encourage a lot of cooperation. As a result everyone is satisfied. The other one is avoidance. This is where you choose to avoid arguments because you do not have confidence.

Lastly, accommodation is another style. Here, you put the need of others ahead of others. This is to encourage cooperation from others. You are ready to take orders from your fellow members. This is when you want to enhance peace with others.

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