Tips For Choosing Games For Wii U Virtual Console

By Tanisha Berg

The Wii U has some excellent titles of its own. However a lot of gamers will often have fond memories of earlier titles from older consoles. The problem is they may not own that older console or the one they have is fallen into disrepair. However there is now a way to relive those fond memories of your old favourites with games for Wii U virtual console available for download.

Some people may be cynical about this. They may ask why you should download titles when there are places you can purchase old or second hand consoles. However the problem is some of these titles can be very hard to track down and often the best ones will be the very ones people do not want to sell and as a consequence if you can buy them they will be very expensive!

There is also the fact that you may not necessarily want a load of consoles in your house in order to play the one or two titles that you really want to play. Instead of cluttering your home with dusty consoles and complicated wiring you can simply download the titles you want instead.

However it is important to remember that cute and colourful does not necessarily mean easy or childish! As any committed gamer will tell you the classic Mario and Zelda titles may seem initially easy to pick up and play but once you get into them they are rich in detail and very well designed.

It should also be remembered that you could also get side scrolling beat em up games like Double Dragon on the system. There is a broad range of genres available covering everything from puzzles to stunt bikes. The chances are you will find a game that you want to play!

Some may be ones that you remember. These include classics such as Zelda and Super Mario Bros. While games machines may have created more advanced graphics or cinematic cut scenes there is something eternally iconic in the deceptively simple look and inventive design of the finest work of Shigeru Miaymoto and his fellow designers. Others may be a gamble or based on the recommendation of a friend. However because the downloads are relatively inexpensive it is often worth having a go because you may stumble on a new favourite.

The amount each download costs varies depending on the type of console you are downloading it from. Therefore if you want to download something that was originally on the NES it will cost less than something that was originally for the SNES. It is also possible to transfer titles that were downloaded on the Wii and play them on the Wii U.

In short there is a lot you could potentially get from your Wii U than you may have realised. New titles and consoles are being added all the time with N64 titles set to be arriving later in the year. Check the virtual console website for more information and look online for reviews of titles to help you find the ideal downloads for you!

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