Things You Should Know In Joining Any Destiny Clan

By Mattie MacDonald

There are groups which serve as communities for gamers. These communities are composed of gamers which are situated around the world. This is a way for them so that they could share their skills and knowledge with others. It is also enjoyable when you would be joining one as you can surely make friend with the members. You could surely find one as there are a lot of those available.

They got goals on why they made this. One of the goals of the Destiny Clan is being the channel where a lot of gamers can be together. As they will be forming the group, they can play with them side by side as they start with the game. That will be helpful to each players in improving the level and skills that they got. This will surely serve as one big family for the various players in there.

It is important that you have an idea regarding the group you will choose. The members would be there so that you would defend each other. You would be needing them on tasks like raids and strikes. There are those which have just started in developing themselves. You could also see those which are only in action. It would continue to increase and expand further as the days would be passing by.

You should be careful when you would join one of it. They have rules which you have to follow. You are required to abide by their rules or else you would be kicked out of the group. Such rules would be the guide for members on their behavior and actions. All the things you would do should be consistent with the values that they have. You have to know that so you can apply it as a full pledge member.

First, you should follow their command. They are not as strict as you think they are. They just want to make sure that everything is in order. There are leaders which have been chosen to guide each of the players on what should be done. Such leaders are the ones who have proven that they excel in terms of leadership. You should comply to their command as much as possible unless it is unreasonable.

Do not cheat when you will play. They will not let those that are using cheats to join them. Using the cheats could help you to improve your performance. But, do not forget that you are still cheating. If you will be playing, be certain that you are doing it properly.

Since the people there are from countries around the world, you should learn to be open minded. You should avoid racism and any derogatory comments. Most leaders do not permit such acts from happening. Some would not even warn you and would just automatically get you out of there.

Learn to respect all of the people who are part of it. You should learn to be humble as well. Remember that respect begets respect.

Being familiar to the rules they have is essential. Never rush in deciding for it. By the time that you have decided, send a message to their leader for them to know.

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