Tips In Keeping Your Data Secure While Clouding Computing

By Harriet Porter

Every time we use a computer, we would require a bit of memory for our usage and digital storage for the files we save. The computer makes our work go digital so you need a digital storage for it in order for you to access those files you save. This is a convenience ushered about by the innovations in this digital era.

Be concerned with the digital storage though. Out of the many available options for digital storage, clouding computing is the one that is getting the most popular nowadays. Of course, that is only a given considering how the said option is much more convenient than other secondary storage device like flash drives and such.

However, be prepared for the risks that comes with using the cloud storage option. There are times when it is easier to steal data in the cloud than in your own personal computer. Thus, you have to be aware of the best ways on how you can properly safeguard your documents. That way, you do not have to worry about lost or stolen data.

Even if you think that that is impossible, remember that the virtual world has lots of unscrupulous people, just like how it is with the real world. If you do that, then you should be able to know the importance of protecting your data. To avoid losing your important data or getting them stolen, then you should pay attention to the following tips.

First off, you should learn to classified your data into sensitive ones and non-sensitive ones. The sensitive ones are those data that have a negative impact on another person, files that are related to your confidential work, or your financial data. Crucial information should not be kept hidden in the virtual world.

It will help you out a lot if you grab your copy of the user agreement and read it. You will get to know how the cloud service storage works for you if you read the user agreement. Most of the time, the user agreement comes together with the cloud service storage that you purchase, avail, or download online.

Pay close attention to how you make your passwords. The passwords are technically your vanguards that protect the data you have saved. You should choose the password that has both upper and lower case letters, alphanumeric, and more than seven characters long. Also, do not recycle passwords. Do not use passwords for other accounts as the password of your cloud storage.

Encrypt. This is actually the best way for people to protect their data. Encryption is basically just putting a password into the file you are saving into the virtual world before putting it up for storage in the cloud. No one can gain access to your file without the password for the data. That should keep your files safe.

There is also the option of choosing the cloud service option that has an encryption function. You should be able to find those cloud service storage option that actually offers local encryption as well as decryption. You just need to find the said option, use it well, save your files, and you are good to go.

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