The Common Denominator Of All Personal Stories And Testimonials Regarding Addiction

By Estelle Larsen

Alcohol and drug addiction has always been around ever since man had been consuming them. Now it is definitely common knowledge that taking drugs and alcohol in large volumes is definitely bad for health yet so many people still do it. In order to know why, it is best to get know of some personal stories and testimonials regarding addiction to know what is common between all these people.

Now everyone knows that the story of each patient is different from one another however there are some elements that they would have in common. The one common denominator of all these people is that they are not satisfied with the way things are going about which is why they resort to vices to enjoy. It gives them a sense of security because it can temporarily help them forget their problems.

Each story would have a situation in which the storyteller tells why he resorted to his addiction in the first place. It could be because of depression, a trauma, or just the feeling of being empty. The storyteller would then reiterate that he had very low self confidence which is why he decided to use an external factor to make him feel good.

After he begins resorting to those vices, he will usually tell how he changed along the way. He has become more reclusive, irritable, and probably even started doing things that he thought he would never do. The next part of these stories would then tell about the people around him noticing these changes and trying to help him.

Of course the substance abuse will then badly affect the health of the one telling the story. This health issue will resort to pain and of course strong craving for the substance. For drug abusers, the craving involves physical pain and mental issues while alcohol abuse will result in a lot of health issues and damaging of the internal organs.

Of course it is in this stage that he will realize that he actually does need help. Now this kind of help will take into consideration both the psychological aspect and physiological of the person. So in order to cure the psychological problem of the abuser, he has to first cleanse his body of the substance that went in.

The storyteller would then share his experiences during his rehabilitation stage. It is here that through medical procedures, his body will be cleansed of all the drugs and the alcohol that is inside. Of course after the physical cleansing, he will then go through a mental and emotional cleansing as well most likely with a psychologist.

So if one would actually take a look at all of these stories, he would actually see the pattern of people with addictions. Since all these patients would have very similar experiences, they will definitely be able to relate to each other. It is actually because of this that rehabilitation centers encourage storytelling.

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